Medical Marijuana Advertising Gives Colorado Media Boost


Monroe Co., FL Sheriff’s Dept
Marijuana still equals money — but now nobody has to get arrested.

​With a recent softening in attitudes toward medicinal use of the herb, along with a more pot-tolerant administration, Colorado’s medical marijuana industry is going into high gear — and the increased profile of dispensaries has made them among the biggest newspaper advertisers, according to public radio station KUNC.

With more than 14,000 patients statewide approved to use medical pot — more than a 70 percent jump since last year — the dispensaries have a bigger customer base. And, according to Sensible Colorado member Brian Vicente, the pot outlets have money to spend.

Sensible Colorado
Briant Vicente: “I think it is telling that mainstream newspapers have embraced medical marijuana ads”

​”I think it is telling that mainstream newspapers have embraced dispensary and medical marijuana ads,” Vicente told KUNC. “I think it shows society as a whole is coming closer to accepting this.”
While some media outlets, straining to make a profit during the recession, are cashing in on the marijuana gold rush, others are skittish about angering readers around what is often a contentious issue.
Colorado’s biggest daily, The Denver Post, started accepting medical marijuana ads in late August. Of more than 100 dispensaries in town, 26 are running ads in the Post, according to Kirk MacDonald, executive vice president of advertising, marketing and digital sales at the newspaper.
MacDonald said as far as he knows, there have been no complaints from readers.
“As long as dispensaries and medical marijuana are legal business entities, we will continue to accept the advertising,” he said.