Photo: Cannabis Culture |
Police in New Zealand who were burning seized cannabis were left red-faced when the wind sent a thick cloud of heady marijuana smoke billowing over a primary school, it was reported Tuesday.
Officers in the South Island town of Picton, New Zealand were destroying cannabis and shredded paper and an incinerator at the local police station when the incident occurred, the Marlborough Express newspaper reported, according to The Raw Story.
St. Joseph’s School principal Peter Knowles noticed the smoke on Friday morning and complained to police, who immediate put out the fire, according to the paper.
A “small amount” of cannabis was in the incinerator when the wind changed direction and unexpectedly took the smoke over the school, according to Senior Sergeant Peter Payne.
“A big gust just came and took it in a different direction, Payne said. “It can’t be helped; it’s just an act of nature.”
Toke of the Town was unable to confirm reports that the school children were the best-behaved in history on Friday after the smoke drifted over the school.