Part of a new marijuana-edibles-education billboard introduced earlier today. Additional images below. |
Earlier today, a new billboard encouraging responsible storage of marijuana edibles was introduced by the Marijuana Policy Project; see more images below. MPP spokesman Mason Tvert stresses that the display is part of an ongoing educational campaign and shouldn’t be interpreted as message to legislators, who’ll be making decisions about edibles packaging after a working group essentially punted following many weeks of work on the issue.
Photo by Amber Taufen |
The edibles working group at an October 20 meeting. |
As we reported last month, a Colorado health department official argued that the working group, made up of cannabis opponents, pot industry reps, law enforcement types and more, should ban almost all pot edibles.
This suggestion received significant push-back from many group members, and in the end, no consensus was reached. Instead, the group plans to submit much of its work product to the legislature, which is expected to tackle the issue again during the session that begins in January.
Against this backdrop, the MPP has unveiled its latest billboard on the pot-edibles topic:
Click to enlarge. |
Is the billboard, located at 153 Kalamath Street, the MPP’s way of telling legislators that education, not unnecessary and expensive new packaging regulations, is the best way to keep pot edibles out of children’s hands? Tvert responds to that question with an emphatic “no.”
More at the Latest Word.