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A Quinnipiac University poll released this week says that 88% of New York residents are in favor of legalizing medical marijuana in the state, sparking the debate that perhaps the Empire State is finally ready for a nice heavy dose of indica dominant cannabis. This is up 17% in just two years.

New York residents are high on the idea of fresh pot laws

Only 9% of New Yorkers are against the idea, but hell, only 39% of residents think that full recreational legalization of weed is a bad idea, with over 57% in favor of just skipping the “medical” step, and making pot legal for all adults.

Colorado isn’t the best place to grow cannabis outdoors, what with the early falls and cold, dark winters and all. Because of that, medical marijuana dispensaries (and soon recreational dispensaries) grow a large portion of their cannabis indoors.
With that comes the energy costs of running lights, air conditioning and heating and fans, and when you’re talking thousands of square feet it can get expensive quickly. One Denver dispensary says they regularly get $21,000 electricity bills and say competitors are facing monthly energy bills of $100,000 or more.

Colorado isn’t the best place to grow cannabis outdoors, what with the early falls and cold, dark winters and all. Because of that, medical marijuana dispensaries (and soon recreational dispensaries) grow a large portion of their cannabis indoors.
With that comes the energy costs of running lights, air conditioning and heating and fans, and when you’re talking thousands of square feet it can get expensive quickly. One Denver dispensary says they regularly get $21,000 electricity bills and say competitors are facing monthly energy bills of $100,000 or more.

Fat Bastard New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

The New Jersey Senate has caved in to Gov. Chris Christie’s demands, altering a medical marijuana bill that would have eased access for suffering children to make it more restrictive.
The 34 to 1 vote means that children will have to have two doctors signing off on a child’s recommendation for medical cannabis, one of which has to be a child psychiatrist. The new bill also expands the available forms of medicated edibles, but limits those new forms to children only – a baffling move to anyone who has researched medical cannabis for even five minutes online could tell you.

A video still of Vivian Wilson from NBC New York.

Update 6/25/2013: The New Jersey General Assembly approved changes to the state medical marijuana laws that will help severely sick children access beneficial medical cannabis.
The bill now heads to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has been reluctant in the past to implement state medical marijuana laws and has been a vocal critic of making medical cannabis available to children.

Mother Jones
Fuel, food, shelter, healing, and spiritual enlightenment — the amazing cannabis plant it does it all!  

Marijuana Spring 2013, Part 2

By Ron Marczyk, RN

Marijuana legalization for personal use is just the start. This vote also frees medical marijuana research, hemp farming, and a return to a hemp-based economy that will play a vital part in reversing the coming man-made environmental disaster.
Marijuana prohibition criminalizes the use of the safest, most versatile plant known to man.
Marijuana prohibition is in large part a cause of global warming.
Marijuana prohibition has stopped 75 years of human progress; it is an idea that will be thrown on the scrap heap of history.  

Time 4 Hemp
Richard Brumfield claims cannabis prohibition will end November 5, and that he’ll be in charge of all legal production in America. Dude has a healthy sense of self, at least; not so sure about his grip on reality, though.

​Richard Brumfield, a medical marijuana activist from California, is in a unique position — that is, if you believe him. Brumfield claims not only that he is in direct communication with the White House and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, but also that — oh yeah by the way — marijuana prohibition ends on November 5. Did I mention he’d be in charge of all production?

One might rightly ask why the mercurial Brumfield, who vehemently opposed California’s marijuana legalization measure Prop 19 in 2010, would be anointed to be in possession of such important information, rather than, say, letting President Obama or maybe Drug Czar Kerlikowske announce it.
But Brumfield, who if nothing else seems to have quite a healthy ego, insists on his Facebook page and elsewhere that he is the “newly appointed Chief Clinical Director of the IAMB/TbT group” (whatever that is), and further, that clinical trials of medicinal cannabis will begin on November 5, according to a press release from pot podcast Time 4 Hemp.

If Brumfield is to be believed, he has the blessings of both the White House and Vice President Joe Biden (yeah, he even included ol’ Joe in his claims), “along with the support of many organizations such as the National Institute of Health, R.E.A.D.[Editor’s note: ??], and NIDA.”

The Cannabis-Driven Neolithic Revolution Starts the First Civilization: Cooperation Over Conflict

Welcome to Room 420, where your instructor is Mr. Ron Marczyk and your subjects are wellness, disease prevention, self actualization, and chillin’.

Worth Repeating
By Ron Marczyk, R.N.

Health Education Teacher (Retired)

A Chinese Neolithic legend said that the gods gave humans one plant to fulfill all of their needs.
That plant was hemp.
One plant with five must-have survival products: food, rope, cloth, medicine and spiritual enlightenment.
The first contact between humans and the hemp plant are lost to history. 
The following history is circumstantial; it is my attempt to reverse-engineer the missing prehistory of cannabis that hasn’t been told.

The Chinese shaman tomb and its contents from 2,800 years ago. Almost 800 grams of cannabis was found inside the tomb.

Welcome to Room 420, where your instructor is Mr. Ron Marczyk and your subjects are wellness, disease prevention, self actualization, and chillin’.

Worth Repeating
By Ron Marczyk, R.N.

Health Education Teacher (Retired)

To begin, please watch the following to understand the significance of this cannabis discovery.
China’s Secret Mummies: National Geographic Explorer, December 2007

This National Geographic special provides major archeological evidence of religious cannabis use 2,800 years ago (at minute 38:00 of the video).

Upon your death, what personal items would you want placed next to your corpse in your tomb?

What very special items define you and what your life stood for, in the very short period of time you were alive? 

In other words, what is most sacred to you?

To the holy men in this story, cannabis represented the sacred.

I believe that humans have a natural right to use cannabis as part of their private spiritual/religious practice. We all walk our own spiritual path.

Remember, you experience the divine in your head, not in a temple or church.

Meet the “Yanghai shaman,” who will be your guide.

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