Search Results: cannabinoids/ (2)

Mother Jones
Fuel, food, shelter, healing, and spiritual enlightenment — the amazing cannabis plant it does it all!  

Marijuana Spring 2013, Part 2

By Ron Marczyk, RN

Marijuana legalization for personal use is just the start. This vote also frees medical marijuana research, hemp farming, and a return to a hemp-based economy that will play a vital part in reversing the coming man-made environmental disaster.
Marijuana prohibition criminalizes the use of the safest, most versatile plant known to man.
Marijuana prohibition is in large part a cause of global warming.
Marijuana prohibition has stopped 75 years of human progress; it is an idea that will be thrown on the scrap heap of history.  

Wiki Noticia

​New research suggests that deficits in endocannabinoids — the body’s own substances like those found in marijuana — may contribute to anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

Endocannabinoids are made by the brain, and they affect brain function and chemistry in ways that resemble the effects of cannabis. Marijuana, when used both medicinally and recreationally, is well known to influence appetite, i.e., causing hunger or the “munchies.”
Therefore, deficits in the endocannabinoid system would logically be associated with reduced appetite, reports Rick Nauert, Ph.D., at PsychCentral.
In the new study, reported in Biological Psychiatry, scientists measured the status of the endocannabinoid system indirectly by finding whether there was an increase or decrease in the density of endocannabinoid receptors called the CB1 receptor.