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Patrick Quinn, from a screenshot of KHOU coverage.

Police in this country have a problem. Sure, there may be some good, honest cops out there but they’re too often overshadowed by bully-creeps like 26-year-old Patrick Quinn, a school district cop in Houston.
During a recent traffic stop, Quinn allegedly told a woman he smelled weed in the car. That’s not what he wanted to be smelling, though. Nope. His olfactory glands were tuned to other things: her feet and underwear.

A husband allegedly shot is wife in the head in Denver Monday night. And while the crime is horrible, it is primarily making news because police and Denver media are latching on to the rumor that the man may have been high on marijuana at the time.
But what police aren’t making a big deal is their absurdly slow reaction time – 13 minutes – nor do they have any concrete evidence of marijuana consumption or that it contributed to the incident (hint: it didn’t).

Michael Saffioti.

Last year, 22-year-old Michael Saffioti had a warrant out for a misdemeanor pot charge in Washington state. Despite having severe allergies and asthma, Saffioti turned himself in and turned over his life to jailers who let him die from an allergic reaction to his breakfast despite knowing full well of his condition.
At the time, the state denied pressing any criminal charges against anyone in his death because there wasn’t enough evidence. But a new video turned up by KIRO 7 in Seattle shows Saffioti questioning what he was being fed to guards who had medical files on him.

Wikipedia commons/Simon.

A twenty-foot boat filled with 80 pounds of dirt weed from Mexico capsized in plain view of some butt-nekkid beachgoers and surfers near Santa Cruz, California yesterday.
The capsized boat washed ashore around 11 a.m. Monday, according to police. At least, that’s when distress calls came in from concerned beachgoers about a crew of a small boat drowning.

Those sneaky anti-cannabis vermin at the Colorado state legislature just won’t give up this session.
Late last night a group of two-dozen bipartisan state Senators introduced a bill that could effectively shut down Colorado’s recreational marijuana laws before anyone in the industry could sell so much as a nickel bag until people approve up to a 30 percent tax on their herb. Thankfully, the bill was eventually shot down as the night drew on.

Taking over an old Curves Gym location on North Capitol Street just thirteen blocks north of the Capitol Reflecting Poool, Capital City Care is set to be the first medical marijuana dispensary to open in Washington D.C. roughly three years after medical marijuana laws were passed in the district. Capital City owners say they’ll open sometime mid-April with four strains, hash and a few accessories for patients. You read that: four strains.

Harborside Health Center

Chief Federal Magistrate Maria-Elena James on Monday ruled in favor of Harborside Health Center, which describes itself as the biggest nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary in the United States, and denied motions by Harborside’s landlords asking the court to order an immediate halt to the sales of medicinal cannabis at their properties.

Judge James also declined to grant a motion from the City of Oakland to immediately halt the federal government’s legal efforts to close Harborside, but scheduled a hearing later this month to hear more arguments in the City of Oakland’s lawsuit against the Feds in a 17-page opinion [PDF] described by Harborside as “highly significant.”
“We are grateful that Judge James carefully considered the facts and arguments in the Harborside case, and decided to grant us our day in court,” said Harborside Health Center Executive Director Steve DeAngelo. “We have always believed that a Bay Area jury will recognize the value that Harborside brings to the community, and refuse to allow the federal government to seize the properties where we are located.

With Colorado currently being the only state in the U.S. which legally allows recreational marijuana users to grow their own plants (since the passage of Amendment 64 by voters in November), a new cannabis cultivation college has opened its doors.

THC University, founded by 24-year-old entrepreneur Matt Jones, aims to teach people how to grow marijuana at home, reports Nick McGurk of 9 News. Jones plans to offer the courses out of a classroom he’s renting at Auraria Campus in Denver.

Jones will offer an “Associate’s,” “Bachelor’s” and “Master’s” degree — with the latter two providing 24-hour assistance for aspiring cannabis cultivators.

Dallas Morning News
Female Texas Ranger Kellie Helleson, left, aggressively searched the private parts of two women in full view of passing motorists

Texas Women Endured Aggressive Fondling of Private Parts In Public

Two Texas women are filing a lawsuit after state troopers gave them an aggressive roadside body cavity search last July — supposedly “searching for drugs” — which was caught on video.

Female state trooper Kellie Helleson is seen aggressively fondling the private parts of Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece Ashley Dobbs, 24 — in full view of passing vehicles, reports the Daily Mail.

The women said the trooper used the same rubber gloves for both of them. They said Trooper Helleson used her fingers to publicly probe their anuses and vaginas on the roadside.
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