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Photo: Rigoberto Hernandez/The Oregonian
Investigators fro the Westside Interagency Narcotics Team served search warrants on Wednesday in connection with the Wake ‘n’ Bake Cannabis Lounge in Aloha, Oregon. Detectives claim the business was selling marijuana to customers.

​Narcotics detectives on Wednesday raided a marijuana lounge in Aloha, Oregon, spending a good part of the morning removing computers and interviewing customers who showed up at the door.

No arrests were made at the Wake ‘n’ Bake Cannabis Lounge by the Westside Interagency Narcotics Team, but search warrants were also served at residences associated with the store and its owners, reports Dana Tims at The Oregonian.
“Today just happened to be the day when the investigation culminated to the point we were ready to serve our search warrants,” said Dave Thompson, a spokesman for the Washington County Sheriff’s office.

Graphic: Naming And Treating

​​By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town
Northern California Correspondent

Here are the stories, tidbits and bong-thoughts of 2010 that caught my attention. 

In July, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs changed its stance from “attention” to “at ease” by allowing the use of medical marijuana for GI’s in the states where medicinal cannabis is legal.
Maybe one of the biggest underreported stories of the year was the acceptance by the U.S. federal government to allow marijuana as a possible medical treatment.

Photo: First Coast News
George D. McMurrain, 57, wants to party.

​He wanted a ride to the liquor store; instead, he got a lift to the jail.
A Florida man was charged Saturday night with misusing 911 and possession of marijuana after he had already been warned that his call to 911 for a ride to a liquor store would result in his arrest, reports Nicole Hernandez of The Florida Times-Union.
George D. McMurrain, 57, had already called 911 twice when an an officer from the St. Augustine Police Department responded to a third call.
After the second call, police had told McMurrain that 911 was for emergencies only and he would be arrested if they had to come back, reports First Coast News.

Photo: Jodi Hernandez/NBC Bay Area
It’s cool, it’s useful, it’s CBD-rich… but folks, it ain’t “new,” and it grows for free all over the Midwestern U.S.

​The supposed “news” from California is that a “new strain of marijuana” has been discovered, one which “strips away the buzz” from pot. Anybody who thinks there’s anything “new” about this development has never tried getting high on Midwestern ditch weed (feral hemp), or any strain of cannabis bred for fiber content.

The good news is, the medicinal properties of cannabidiol (CBD) are finally getting recognition. CBD helps to provide many of the medicinal effects of marijuana, and is a separate cannabinoid from THC, which also provides medical benefits but is chiefly known for being a major component of the pot “high.”