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Proud storm troopers: Cocky federal agents outside Oaksterdam University on Monday morning

“Confirmed RAID currently happening at Oaksterdam University – DEA and IRS. Please come show support, bring signs, get the word out. 1600 Broadway and 1776 Broadway Oakland!”Sacramento Americans for Safe Access (Facebook status update, 8:20 a.m.)

Oakland’s Oaksterdam University, famed as the first and probably biggest institution of cannabis education, was taken over by federal agents on Monday morning.
Toke of the Town was able to confirm reports Monday morning that owner Richard Lee had at first been detained in his apartment by federal agents. He was reportedly released around 10 a.m.
Officers wearing U.S. Marshals, Internal Revenue Service and Drug Enforcement Administration jackets swarmed over the Oakland medical marijuana teaching facility at the corner of 16th Street and Broadway before 8 p.m. Monday morning, reports NBC Bay Area. Yellow “crime scene” tape was keeping everyone away.

Photo: Jeff Chiu/AP
San Jose’s medical marijuana dispensaries are required to pay a new tax starting tomorrow — even though haven’t been declared legal yet.

​Even though San Jose, California considers all of its 100 or so medical marijuana dispensaries to be unlawful, city officials are still welcoming the pot providers to City Hall on Monday to talk about a new program which greatly interests the cash-strapped city: a marijuana tax.

Starting Tuesday, March 1, San Jose will slap a seven percent tax on marijuana dispensaries under a measure city voters overwhelmingly approved in November, reports John Woolfolk at the Silicon Valley Mercury News.
Most dispensary owners always assumed taxation would also mean legal acceptance, but now it appears the beleaguered providers will be catching it from both sides: they’re still subject to police raids at the same time they are responsible for paying taxes.

Oakland marijuana supply superstore weGrow held its Grand Re-Opening on Sunday.

​What a difference a year makes. Last year, you would be hard pressed to find any Oakland city leaders at an event called “Hemp Evolution,” but on Sunday, they were publicly supporting the industrialization of medical marijuana.

It was already known as the “Wal-Mart of the marijuana world,” with 15,000 square feet of everything you need to grow or use marijuana, according to Cecilia Vega of KGO. Now, iGrow is growing even more, and changing its name to “weGrow.”

Graphic: International Cannabis & Hemp Expo

​The International Cannabis & Hemp Expo is coming to Daly City, California’s Cow Palace next month. Organizers say no marijuana will be sold during the expo, planned for April 17 and 18.

“It’s mainly to bring awareness and education to the public” on the medical, recreational and industrial uses of cannabis, according to Bob Katzman, the expo’s chief operations officer.
“We want to enlighten people on the fact that we are looking at an estimated $8 billion-a-year industry in California alone,” Katzman said, reports Neil Gonzales of the San Mateo County Times.

Patients are allowed to bring their own medical marijuana to the Cow Palace, according to organizers, but they will need to show valid documentation before they can enter a “safe, secure” designated outdoor smoking area.
​”It will be an area outside the building and only accessible to people who prove to have a valid prescription [he means a doctor’s recommendation]for medical marijuana use,” Cow Palace CEO Joe Barkett told The Oakland Tribune.

Careful, baby. That thing could blow…

​​​It was a more exciting night than usual in Richmond, California. After four tension-filled, dramatic hours Sunday night, a police bomb squad safely disposed of what they called a pipe bomb found in front of a local home.

Hearts were fluttering as the ominous metal cylinder, capped at one end and with a pin attached to its side, inspired intrepid bomb experts from Walnut Creek to evacuate everyone within a 300-foot radius, reports KGO-TV.
As the tension became almost unbearable, the heroic bomb squad finally blew up the obviously dangerous, highly mysterious object at about 10:30 last night.
Time to start giving out medals, right? Where’s the press? Not so fast.
Turns out it was a pot bong, not a pipe bomb. Police now say it was probably left behind by some stoned teenagers.
Don’t you just love happy endings?!

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is considering the taxation of marijuana — and, for once, we’re not talking about the medical kind.

S.F. Supevisor David Campos just introduced legislation top create a task force to look at recreational marijuana regulation and taxation, KGO-TV reports.

“The taxation of non-medical cannabis is something people have talked about,” Campos said. “I am someone who is very committed to making sure this industry is responsible.”

According to Campos, the task force would periodically report back to the Supervisors over the course of three years.