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Dezy Saint-Nolde, better known by her activism name, Queen Phoenix, has emerged as a prominent organizer of protests and demonstrations in recent months. These included the thousands-strong November 10 protest against Donald Trump’s election, the February 18 Defend our Constitution march, a health-care rally on February 25, and a Demand Russia-Trump Ties Investigation march on March 18.

But Phoenix also believes that her activism made her the target of an undercover Denver Police Department investigation in which she was arrested and charged for offenses related to marijuana.

In a January cover story in Westword concerning DPD’s social-media surveillance and how it related to the department’s old “Spy Files” program, Phoenix shared her experience of having her house raided by cops in December on charges that she was distributing marijuana without a license.

CannaKids founder Tracy Ryan with her daughter Sophie.

The issue often comes up

Here’s your daily round-up of pot-news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Download WeedWeek’s free 2016 election guide here.

The REC initiatives in Massachusetts and three other states include measures that protect parents from losing custody of their children as a result of marijuana use. An Idaho mom has lost custody of her kids and is facing criminal charges after giving her child cannabis butter to relieve seizure-like symptoms.

Way more than doctors anticipated.

The following is excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Get your free and confidential subscription at

In Colorado, the number of young children exposed to marijuana, mostly through edibles, is up 150 % since 2014, a study found. Reason and The Washington Post argue that the risk remains very small.

A study in rats found that exposure to pot smoke can damage blood vessels.

One in 13 Americans older than 12 have used marijuana in the past month, a new government studyfound. That figure has held steady for about 25-years. It’s least popular between Texas and Alabama. (Here’s a map.) States where it’s less common are more likely to be concerned about marijuana.

A Globe and Mail investigation found that mold and other contaminants are widespread in the Toronto MED supply. Colorado released numerous seized batches after they tested negative for pesticides.

Following a scare, Colorado determined that THC was not in the drinking water in the tiny town of Hugo, Colo.

A bill in Congress that would expand MED research does not include products containing THC or the parents of children with autism in its “Safe Harbor” clause.

In Arizona, a long-anticipated study to test MED on veterans with PTSD will begin seeking patients soon.

Michael J. Stevens writes on the promise of cannabis tissue culture.

The Guardian can’t find any evidence for the myth that babies are awash with endocannabinoids, cannabinoids produced by the human body at birth.

Carfentanil, a powerful opioid used to sedate elephants is causing overdoses in heroin users. Time asks if MED can mitigate the opiate epidemic. (See The Hill for more.)

A Colorado judge blocked the suspensions of four doctors, the first in the state to be punished foroverprescribing the number of plants MED patients can grow or trust to caregivers. Heavy prescribing doctors could see business decline with legalization, the Guardian reports.

Dr. Michael Soler is the first physician in Puerto Rico allowed to recommend MED.


​Arizona lawmakers are preparing on Wednesday to deny university and college students living on campus the right to use medical marijuana, even if they have the legally required doctor’s recommendation to use it.

Legislation written by Rep. Amanda Reeve (R-Phoenix) would make it illegal to use and even to possess marijuana on the campus of any public or private post-secondary institution of learning, reports Howard Fischer at Capitol Media Services.
Included under the overbearing law would be not only the state university system and network of community colleges but even various private schools that offer degrees or certificates.
That doesn’t just mean keeping marijuana out of classrooms and open areas.
HB 2349, set for debate in the House Committee on Higher Education, also would prohibit students from using cannabis in their dorm rooms — even if the patient is drinking a cannabis infused drink or eating a cannabis edible.


​Arizona officials must allow medical marijuana dispensaries under the 2010 voter-approved medicinal cannabis law, a Maricopa County Superior Court judge has ruled.

In his Wednesday ruling, Judge Richard Gama struck down some restrictions that state officials had planned to use to determine which applicants were eligible for dispensary licenses, report Yvonne Wingett Sanchez and Mary K. Reinhart of the Tucson Citizen.
Judge Gama noted that Arizona voters wanted the Medical Marijuana Act implemented 120 days after it passed and that “this has not been done,” reports Ray Stern at Phoenix New Times.
The reason it wasn’t done, Stern reports, is that Governor Jan Brewer — who spoke out against Proposition 203 before voters approved it in November 2010 — halted the dispensary portion of the new law at the same time she filed an unsuccessful federal lawsuit against it. Brewer decided on Friday that she wouldn’t refile that lawsuit and that the state should begin accepting applications once a lawsuit by Compassion First AZ was resolved.
Judge Gama’s ruling resolved that lawsuit, but it will still be months before the state’s 18,000-plus medical marijuana patients can walk into a dispensary and get their medicine, Phoenix New Times reports.

Photo: NORML Blog

By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town

Northern California Correspondent

11. Wars make money for a few and kill the rest…

The War On Drugs makes money for cartels, police, the government, prisons, politicians, crooks, and all those other people we can’t see, like the Glad Bag people and the grow-light industry.
This 100-year revenue stream could dry up if Americans couldn’t be arrested for a drug that has been proven to be less destructive than whole milk.

Graphic: THC Finder

​As of Thursday, April 14, the Arizona medical marijuana law is now in effect. The state is taking applications for registry cards from seriously ill patients who have a doctor’s recommendation to use cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Some are estimating that around 20,000 Arizonans will qualify for medical marijuana, reports Joleah Nowicki at Phoenix Political Buzz Examiner, but such estimates almost always turn out to be way too low.
The application system will be entirely online, according to the Department of Health Services, and anyone trying to apply in person or by phone will be turned away, reports Amanda Lee Myers at The Associated Press.

If you support medical marijuana patients, don’t buy Ping golf clubs. They don’t want to be associated with you, anyway.

​Golf club manufacturer Ping is threatening to leave its Phoenix headquarters after 45 years if a medical marijuana dispensary is allowed in the neighborhood, according to its attorney. If you support medical marijuana patients, you definitely want to think twice before buying anything made by these morons.

While most dispensary applications sailed through without opposition, Ping objected strenuously to an applicant for a site at 1944 W. North Lane, one block south of the company’s headquarters, reports Michael Clancy at The Arizona Republic.
Ping representative Stephen Earl told a Phoenix hearing officer that the company is “considering” investing $170 million to renovate its headquarters, but “may not do so if the neighborhood decline continues.”

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio claims he “wanted to be prepared for criminals who believe that Proposition 203 will allow them to deal marijuana with impunity”

​Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, already infamous for his treatment of immigrants and prisoners, has now set his sights on Arizona’s new medical marijuana patients following the passage of Proposition 203 by voters last November.

Arpaio on Wednesday announced the formation of a special unit targeting people who violate the state laws, claiming he “wanted to be prepared for criminals who believe that Proposition 203 will allow them to deal marijuana with impunity,” reports Deborah Stocks at ABC 15.
The Sheriff is so far alone — other police agencies in Arizona are waiting for finalization of state Department of Health Services rules regulating medical marijuana before assigning resources to control abuses of the law, reports JJ Hensley at The Arizona Republic

Graphic: Phoenix NewTimes
If you support the Arizona Cardinals, you are supporting marijuana prohibition and opposing safe access for medical cannabis patients.

​The National Football League’s Arizona Cardinals have joined the fight against legalizing medical marijuana in their state, donating $10,000 to “Keep AZ Drug Free” on Thursday.

No self-respecting marijuana advocate — or anyone who cares about safe access for patients, to the medicine that works best for them — will attend a Cardinals game from this point forward.
The Cardinals’ donation to the war chest against Proposition 203, which would make medical marijuana legal in the state and let chronically ill or severe pain patients buy small amounts of pot from state licensed dispensaries with a doctor’s approval, makes absolutely no sense, especially given the fact that many NFL players could benefit from the herb’s palliative and pain-relieving properties.