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The Weed Blog

​Vermont’s first medical marijuana dispensaries could be slightly delayed by Tropical Storm Irene, but are expected to begin to open this summer.

A law passed last year authorized up to four privately run cannabis dispensaries, and gave the state Public Safety Department the authority to create rules for them, reports Terri Hallenbeck at the Burlington Free Press.

Those rules should be ready in the next couple of weeks, according to testimony from Francis Aumand, director of the Division of Criminal Justice Services, to the Senate Government Operations Committee on Wednesday.
Aumand said he wasn’t sure he could make a June 2 deadline for issuing certificates to applicants interested in running the dispensaries, because of Vermont’s procedures for vetting those rules. However, he said it shouldn’t take “much longer” than that.

Denver Westword
The Caregiver Connection event will be held at Harmony Wellness’s headquarters in Windsor, Colorado, on Friday, Dec. 16 and on the second Friday of each month thereafter.

​Medical Marijuana Patient Resource Center Helps Patients to Stand United in Face of Bans
Since Fort Collins, Colorado recently voted to ban medical marijuana centers, or MMCs, about 15,000 NoCo patients have wondered: “What will this mean for the medical cannabis community in Northern Colorado?”
In response to a potential epidemic of no safe access for patients, In Harmony Wellness Services is providing pathways to patients for longterm solutions to be able to safely and reliably access their medicine, as outlined in Amendment 20. 

Steve Porter/Northern Colorado Business Report
Tina Valenti, In Harmony Wellness: “As a patient services and advocacy center, In Harmony Wellness will continue the tradition of assisting patients in need”

​After voters in the city of Windsor, Colorado last November staged a citizen-initiated shutdown of the city’s medical marijuana dispensaries, one collective, founded in 2008, found a way to survive even after being forced to stop operations in May 2011.

When City Attorney Ian McCargar offered the perspective that In Harmony Wellness didn’t necessarily have to close its doors, but simply needed to step selling cannabis, it sparked an idea.

Wikimedia Commons
Federal pot policy is based on 70-year-old superstitions.

​Why does the U.S. federal government keep pushing outdated lies about marijuana’s health consequences and potential for addiction?

Because it’s a lucrative business, according to Paul Armentano of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).
In an op-ed piece over at AlterNet, Armentano, deputy director of NORML, points out that the feds are wasting their time — and your money — researching what must be the Loch Ness Monster of the drug policy world (as in nobody can prove it exists), “marijuana addiction.”
Yes, you read that right. “Marijuana addiction.”
According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Cannabis related disorders (CRDs), including cannabis abuse or dependence and cannabis induced disorders (e.g., intoxication, delirium, psychotic disorder, and anxiety disorder) are a major public health issue.”