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Medical marijuana advocates protest outside the U.S. Attorney’s office in Sacramento on October 7 as officials inside held a press conference on their plans to crack down on medical marijuana dispensaries in California

​Welcome to Room 420, where your instructor is Mr. Ron Marczyk and your subjects are wellness, disease prevention, self actualization, and chillin’.

Worth Repeating

By Ron Marczyk, R.N.

Health Education Teacher (Retired)

Once again, you are witnessing medical cannabis history. Starting with California, and then nationwide, Obama’s goal is to shut down every state’s medical cannabis care facilities across the country.
So far, President Obama’s cannabis policy appears to be the “shut them up, and shut them down” strategy.
Why? Because medical cannabis culture is winning! The 75-year-old war on cannabis is a failure and is over and cannabis has won the day!  Straight up. How unhinged are they? Our freedom of the press is also being threatened.


​When you injure yourself playing a sport, why cover up the injury when you can actually start the healing process? 

Treatment Trends
By Ben Reagan
Co-Founder, The C.P.C
Weekend warriors, serious athletes, obsessive golfers, all ye with active lifestyles, if you’re reading this article you probably have first-hand experience with the side effects associated with opiate narcotics, analgesics, muscle relaxants, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) typically prescribed for sports injuries or the wear and tear from a lifetime of “staying fit” or “playing hard.”
Take opiates (please), which interrupt pain signaling to the brain by flooding pain receptors with damping effects. The long term effect is a down regulation of endogenous opiate production. 
Technically speaking, “this down regulation appears to have cross over effects across the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, triggering something called panhypopituitarism, with symptoms of fatigue, obesity, diabetes, insomnia, depression, GI inhibition and decreased libido often resulting,” according to Dr. Zach Sparer of Green Wellness.