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He doesn’t want it to go the way of the casinos.

Here’s your daily round-up of pot-news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Download WeedWeek’s free 2016 election guide here.

Magician and legalization supporter Penn Jillette talked to Marijuana Business Daily:

“What I’m really hoping for is that the marijuana industry can keep its funk.

“When Nevada first started with gambling, even though it was illegal, even though it was all very, very shady, there was a certain kind of individuality and honesty. Then, in the ’80s, corporations really took over Vegas and it got very homogeneous and very mall-style in general and McDonaldized.

Chavis Carter was only 21 when he died of a gunshot wound while handcuffed in the back of a police patrol car 

Police in Jonesboro, Arkansas, are claiming the death of a man they detained on marijuana charges in the back of a squad car was the result of shooting himself in the head while his hands were cuffed behind his back.

The officers claim that Chavis Carter, 21, killed himself after being searched on suspicion of possessing marijuana, reports Steve Watson of Officers had double-locked the handcuffs to make it harder for the lock to be picked, but they claimed Carter was somehow miraculously able to pull out a hidden gun, raise it to his head and pull the trigger while they were briefly away from the car.
The cops claimed they found a .380 handgun and a spent cartridge in the back seat next to Carter’s slumped body. They claimed the gun “must have been overlooked” when they searched Carter — twice.

Activists seek clarification from Attorney General Eric Holder on what state are local laws are allegedly being violated by dispensary operators

U.S. Reps. Nadler and Cohen are seeking clarification from the Attorney General about how DOJ determines whether state laws are violated
State-federal medical cannabis conflict intensifies prior to a fundraising visit to Oakland by President Obama on July 23
The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) is awaiting answers from United States Attorney General Eric Holder related to sworn testimony he provided to the House Judiciary Committee on June 7. On that day, he said that the Department of Justice (DOJ) limits its medical cannabis “enforcement efforts to those individuals [or]organizations that are acting out of conformity with State laws, or, in the case of instances in Colorado, where distribution centers were placed within close proximity to schools.”