Hey, man. Whatever you do, don’t think about this while smoking weed, or it could make your head explode and screw up your entire weekend.
Now that the Colorado Senate has passed a DUI marijuana bill with a per se cutoff point of five nanograms per milliliter (5 ng/ml) of blood, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws has issued one of their
nationwide action alerts, reports Michael Roberts at Denver
With the proposal headed to the Colorado House, where it has a good chance of passage, NORML is doing the right thing. This is an execrable piece of legislation. According to the best research available, there is no correlation between 5 ng/ml and driving impairment in most drivers. In fact, experienced cannabis consumers often drive better than their non-toking peers, according to at least one Australian study.
So far, so good: NORML is standing up for the interests of marijuana consumers in Colorado, as they should.