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Photo: Franky Benitez
Rep. Robert Watson likes making fun of marijuana. Oh, and smoking it.

​In the latest fine example of Republican high-pocrisy when it comes to cannabis, a high-ranking GOP legislator in Rhode Island is squirming after being charged with driving under the influence of marijuana, possession of marijuana, and possession of “drug paraphernalia.”

An embarrassing pot bust would be bad enough for any politician, but this guy — Rep. Robert Watson — is a real piece of work who is remembered for making offensive anti-drug, anti-gay and anti-immigrant remarks, reports Kase Wickman at The Raw Story.
In February, Watson said the Rhode Island Legislature had their priorities right — “if you are a Guatemalan gay man who likes to gamble and smokes marijuana.”
Rather than just apologize and move on, Watson — while a guest on a radio show soon after that misstep, and in response to the understandable outcry over his comments — said, “I reject the suggestion that it’s insulting.”
Watson continued to refuse to say he was sorry. “I apologize when appropriate and/or necessary,” Watson told the Providence Journal in February. “I identify this situation as representing neither circumstance.”

Photo: Los Angeles Dispensaries

​​By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town

Northern California Correspondent

1. No shady scenes.

We’ve all been there. A 7/11 parking lot, late at night, where every Slurpee-buying shopper looks like an undercover cop. Or you’ve just parked your buddy’s car near an apartment downtown where all the neighbors know why you’re walking towards that particular door.
Or worse, a friend of a friend who just got out of jail has some killer stuff that will make the whole crosstown drive worth it.
You name it — we all have a variety of reasons why we will go the extra mile to procure the best stuff possible, sometimes even when the risks are higher than you are.
Now, my closest dispensary is eight blocks away — a small industrial trailer where they may only have seven to 12 different varieties of medical marijuana — but I go to the old reliable, my mainstay downtown on Geary. (Funny story: I was on my way home on the bus with three clones in an odorless paper bag. There were two other dudes on the bus who were also clutching paper bags. Their all-knowing nods and smiles made me feel like we all belong to the same book club.)
Going to a dispensary is incredibly safe compared to my almost 40 years of scoring on the street.

Photo: Erik Peterson/Bozeman Daily Chronicle
A federal agent looks over marijuana plants and equipment following a raid in Montana on March 14.

​Expect the Montana Legislature to crack down on medical marijuana, State Rep. Jon Sesso (D-Butte) told the Montana Bar Association on Friday.

Sesso, the House minority leader, said he expects “significant reform,” but not outright repeal of the 2004 Medical Marijuana Act, approved by an overwhelming 62 percent of Montana voters. He spoke to the lawyers’ group in Butte, reports Tim Trainor at the Montana Standard.
“The abusers will be on notice, probably in the next 30 days,” Sesso said. “If you aren’t legitimately sick, you are not going to be able to use.”

Photo: Terry Pierson/The Press Enterprise
Agents found “Wally,” a four-foot, 55-pound alligator, in a home where marijuana was being grown. They claim he was guarding the plants.

​California narcotics investigators raiding what they called a $1.5 million marijuana growing operation found a four-foot alligator they claimed was guarding the crop.

Now, I know the press just loves exotic pets guarding marijuana crops, just how effective a guard would a four-foot alligator be? Not very, if one can judge by the photo of someone holding the fuckin’ thing. Turns out the gator was just as (in)effective at guarding pot as the B.C. marijuana bears were last year.
In any event, the Riverside County drug task force members, along with Department of Justice agents, moved in on the East Hemet house Monday night, seizing nearly 2,300 marijuana plants, reports KTLA News.

Photo: City Pulse

​Law enforcement claimed the Wednesday raid by Oakland County Sheriff’s deputies of the Oak Park offices and warehouse of a well-known medical marijuana dispensary was spurred by tips to police that the site was “supplying drug dealers.”
The Oakland County Narcotics Enforcement Team, wearing bullet-proof vests and masks, executed a search warrant and seized about $2,874 in cash, nine pounds of harvested marijuana stored in a freezer, five pounds of packaged marijuana, about two dozen cannabis plants, and 10 pounds of baked goods from facilities belonging to Big Daddy’s Management Group, Oakland County Undersheriff Mike McCabe said, reports Bill Laitner of the Detroit Free Press.

Graphic: Jodie Emery

​It’s Reefer Madness all over again as David Frum, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush who now has his own conservative political website, claims that last weekend’s tragic events in Tucson, Arizona are a good reason to continue America’s war on marijuana users.

“After horrific shootings, we hear calls for stricter regulation of guns,” he wrote on FrumForum in an idiotic little piece entitled “Did Pot Trigger Giffords Shooting?
“The Tucson shooting should remind us why we regulate marijuana,” Frum wrote. “Jared Lee Loughner, the man held as the Tucson shooter, has been described by those who know as a ‘pot smoking loner.’ He had two encounters with the law, one for possession of drug paraphernalia.”
But, as pointed out by Stephen C. Webster at The Raw Story, Frum has a tenuous grasp of the facts.

Photo: Lash & Associates Publishing

​A Pennsylvania legislator intends to introduce a bill which would double penalties for first-time marijuana possession in the Keystone State.

Rep. Dick Hess, a Republican, wants to double penalties for first-time possession convictions for all Schedule I and Schedule II drugs, reports Derek Rosenzweig at Philly NORML. Marijuana is classed as a Schedule I drug, so the penalty for first-time pot possession would at one fell swoop go up from one year in jail and a $5,000 fine to two years and $10,000. For subsequent convictions it rises to three years and $25,000.
This backwards bill would also increase penalties for possession, distribution and manufacturing of “drug paraphernalia,” whatever the hell that is, to two years and $5,000 for the first offense. A second offense brings three years and $10,000 in fines.

Photo: Zazzle

​New data revealed on Thursday shows that Vermont state government spends more than $700,000 annually to pursue Vermonters for possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Based on the new findings, state Rep. Jason Lorber (D-Burlington) announced plans Thursday to introduce a bill that would decriminalize the possession of less than one ounce of cannabis.
“We should stop wasting $700,000 a year on a failed policy,” Rep. Lorber said. “It’s time for a smarter approach. That means decriminalization for an ounce or less of marijuana.”
“In a time of great fiscal strain, it is critical that we focus law enforcement resources on offenses that pose the greatest threats to public safety,” said Windsor County State’s Attorney Robert Sand.

“O great creator of being, grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives.” ~ Jim Morrison

​Jim Morrison, the legendary lead singer and lyricist of The Doors, would have been 67 years old today. The shaman and wild man was born December 8, 1943, in Melbourne, Florida.

The “Lizard King” is known as one of the most distinctive frontmen in rock music history, and also dabbled in poetry and filmmaking. He reportedly had an I.Q. of 149.
In 1965, after graduating from UCLA, Morrison met future Doors keyboardist Ray Manzarek on Venice Beach. With the addition of John Densmore on drums and Robby Krieger on guitar, The Doors were born.
The Doors took their name from the title of The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley’s book of mescaline experiences, itself taken from a William Blake quotation in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, in which Blake said “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is — infinite.”
The Doors achieved national prominence in 1967 with the hit single “Light My Fire” and hit the charts again in 1968 with “Hello, I Love You,” in 1969 with “Touch Me,” and in 1971 with “Love Her Madly” and “Riders On The Storm.”
Weary of the rock star lifestyle after only four years, Morrison “retired” to Paris at age 27 in March 1971. He died of unknown causes in Paris on July 3, 1971.
Morrison’s poetry writings are available in the books The Lords and the New Creatures, Wilderness, and The American Night.

Porn star Capri Anderson, who recently called the cops on Charlie Sheen, was a teenage pothead! Yeah, I know. But that seems to be a pretty big deal to

​The porn star who Charlie Sheen recently trapped inside a New York City hotel bathroom during a cocaine-fueled sex-for-money exchange got busted for pot seven years ago, when she was only 15 — and the national press is now in a fine tizzy over the girl’s “secret drug arrest.”

Christina Walsh, a.k.a. porn starlet Capri Anderson, was arrested in April 2003 after she was caught with marijuana and drug paraphernalia, reports At the time, Walsh was just 15 years old and in high school. (I know: apparently very high school.)
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