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Hiring a retired athlete to push hemp products has gone from a trend to simply the way things are done in the emerging CBD industry. Now a Colorado CBD company has lured an NBA legend to do more than that.

Earlier this month, Hall of Fame basketball player Isiah Thomas (not to be confused with former Denver Nuggets guard Isaiah Thomas) announced that he had acquired a partnership in VESL Oils, a CBD product manufacturer based in Arvada.

Does Michael Bloomberg think marijuana users are stupid?

Well, that’s really not a question. He’s already made his opinion known…and in Colorado.

“I couldn’t feel more strongly about it,” Bloomberg told a crowd at the Aspen Institute in 2015, after he was asked his thoughts on this state’s legalization of recreational marijuana. “It is different than alcohol. This is one of the stupider things that’s happening across our country.”

A marijuana speakeasy is on the verge of opening in Denver.

At first, the Bodega sign offering color TVs, VCRs, blunts and joint papers looks like old-school homage to an East Coast corner market, with shelves of snacks, Latin food, piñatas and a random assortment of goods and electronics for sale inside. But while we couldn’t take pictures inside, trust that there’s more than just soft drinks behind the old Squirt soda machine on the wall: It’s actually a secret door leading to a glossy, marijuana-friendly lounge boasting booths, flatscreen TVs and a coffee bar.

Soda was recently cut out of my diet, but giving it up wasn’t hard; candy, pie and cereal are much more important to my sweet tooth. The few times I do indulge in a pop, however, I like to go with the old-school varieties, like root beer, cola or red, orange and original cream sodas. Black cherry is another great choice, highly underrated and hard to find — to the point of having to buy it in an overpriced glass bottle at the grocery store.

Or you can find an alternative for your favorite flavor in the cannabis world (or at least fool yourself into thinking that). So I was interested to see whether Black Cherry OG would provide a worthy substitute for that old soda flavor I craved.

Cannabis users waiting for places to socially consume in Colorado are in for a slow burn, despite recreational marijuana being legal here since late 2012 and dispensary tasting rooms and pot lounges receiving state approval in 2020.

While recreational pot sales began in January 2014, social consumption businesses weren’t legalized at the same level until House Bill 1230 — a measure allowing dispensaries, restaurants, hotels, mobile lounges and other businesses to apply for social pot-use permits, allowing customers to buy up to one gram of flower, one-quarter gram of concentrate or edibles with no more than 10 milligrams of THC — took effect at the start of this year. But the vast majority of local governments have been slow to act on the opportunity.

Cannabis doesn’t share the same connection to Valentine’s Day as alcohol, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with the plant on romantic occasions. Although we’ve never pushed the concept of “aphrodisiac strains,” smoking pot can very much heighten an already existing mood between lovers.

To get that special someone warmed up for Valentine’s Day (or any other special night), here’s a mix of sweet and relaxing strains for getting intimate. Just smoke slowly, you ol’ dawg.

Imagine stepping into a tub full of steaming hot water, sinking in to maximize your relaxation. As you soak, you start to feel euphoric, full of bliss, and…high. But is that actually possible?

In Colorado, where pot is legal and we clearly care about self-care (Colorado ranks in the top-ten in Google searches for that term over the past five years), it is. Maybe you’ve seen bath products while shopping for flower or edibles at the dispensary and wondered whether indulging was worth your time and money. Maybe you’re just finding out about them now.

Unlike fruits and vegetables at the supermarket, organically grown marijuana doesn’t have labels announcing the clean growing practices used to produce it, because the plant is still federally prohibited. Tired of waiting for national acceptance, the Cannabis Certification Council, a Denver-based cannabis sustainability and fair trade organization, has announced its own organic certification process for legal marijuana growers.

According to CCC board chair Ben Gelt, applying for the program’s organic certification is similar to applying for traditional organic growing certifications: After the CCC receives the application, third-party certifying entities will conduct inspections and audits for several months before deciding whether applicants become accredited.

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