Search Results: maryland (131)

Medical marijuana in Maryland has been a mess ever since they passed their highly restrictive “pilot program” last year. See, the program would only allow state university medical programs to dole out the ganja, and even then it had to be part of a larger clinical trial. In theory, that might have worked. But the reality is that none of the universities want anything to do with it. Basically, medical marijuana didn’t exist in Maryland.
But a new bill approved by the state House yesterday would allow physicians to recommend medical cannabis to patients with certain conditions. Patients would get their herb from a licensed grower.


We all know cops aren’t the brightest bulbs on the shelf (after all, if they were smarter they wouldn’t be cops). But in case you needed a reminder of the mental heavyweights we are dealing with, Annapolis Police Chief Michael Pristoop had to publicly apologize yesterday for passing on a satirical, hoax news story claiming 37 marijuana deaths the day Colorado legalized pot sales.
Even better: Pristoop admits that he believed the information was completely accurate, and even though none of it is true he still is sticking by his wrongheaded position.

Doug Gansler.

Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler this week told the Baltimore Sun that he feels the legalization of cannabis is going to happen, and that as governor he would ensure laws are implemented “the right way” if such a change were to happen while he is in office.
Gansler joins the two other Democrat forerunners for the state Governor’s office with a pro-pot stance, state Del. Heather Mizeur and Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown. Mizeur has campaigned openly on a legalization platform and Brown says that he would work towards decriminalizing up to an ounce of pot.

Under the guise of helping sick patients find relief, Maryland created the country’s most restrictive medical marijuana program last year that limits distribution to people who sign up for university-run studies licensed through the state. The program is so strict that many medical marijuana advocacy groups don’t consider Maryland to be a true medical marijuana state.
Lawmakers were quick to pat themselves on the back for being so progressive, but nearly a year later the reality is that the program has gone nowhere and sick Marylanders are still without access to legal medical marijuana.

Three Maryland lawmakers say they are crafting a bill that would legalize cannabis use and possession for adults 21 and up in an effort to curb illegal drug trafficking and funnel new tax dollars to schools and drug treatment programs.
The Marijuana Control Act of 2014 would also allow Marylanders to cultivate up to six plants at home.

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.

Maryland won’t be legalizing cannabis for adult use any time soon, according to Gov. Martin O’Malley, who called cannabis a gateway drug yesterday in a radio interview.
“I’m not much in favor of it,” O’Malley told WEAA’s “Anapolis Summit” program. “I’ve seen what drug addiction has done to the people of our state and the people of [Baltimore].”
Heather Mizeur.

Maryland Democratic Gov. Hopeful Heather Mizeur’s first outlined a $280 million plan to fund pre-k for 4-year-olds and half-day daycare for 3-year-olds back in October. At the time, she didn’t say how she would pay for it. Now we know, and some of you are probably really going to like this:
Mizeur announced late yesterday that she plans to propose legalizing and taxing recreational cannabis to help fund the state’s pre-kindergarten initiative.

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