Dear Stoner: I’ve been thinking about trying some weed before I meditate, but am unsure of how to properly mix the two. Any tips on how to use it to my advantage without doing too much?
Search Results: meditation (22)
There were thirty of us, all women, practicing our breathing in very specific ways for two minutes. Some breathed in through their tongues, rolled like straws, and then out through their noses slowly, while others breathed in and out sharply, using their diaphragms. Both systems felt odd, but the final result left me less skeptical than when I’d first walked in the door.
People who smoke marijuana regularly may have lower IQs than those who don’t, or maybe they don’t. A recent study by the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas is rather inconclusive on the whole thing, despite the study making headlines as pure fact.
Sharon Letts |
Americans for Safe Access |
Now, the battle over rescheduling has moved from DEA and HHS to the federal courts. |
Crucify The Ego |
Global Ganja Report |
The Money Times |
A Seattle medical marijuana recommendation clinic has joined forces with several local collectives to offer free and reduced cost educational classes to their patients.
Sons Of Bill Simmons |
Ricky Williams doesn’t think weed jokes are funny. |
National Football League star Ricky Williams — caught multiple times for smoking weed — doesn’t think your weed jokes are funny. In fact, one of the reasons he doesn’t use Twitter much is the constant barrage of pot punchlines, the football hero tweeted on Friday.