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Where’s Weed?

Barring a miracle, all medical marijuana dispensaries will be banned from Long Beach, California on August 12.

Law enforcement officers gave an update on the city’s current medical marijuana law — which includes an exception allowing 18 dispensaries — during Tuesday’s City Council meeting, reports Jonathan Van Dyke at
The Council voted in February to ban collectives, with a six-month exemption for the dispensaries that had gone through a long and torturous approval process — even including a lottery, for Christ’s sake — for the past several years.
On Tuesday, the question was whether the city ever wanted to offer another extension to the existing dispensaries, or whether the initial six-month exemption was intended as a grace period for the shops to “wind down” operations.

Graphic: The Weed Blog

United States Conference of Mayors Unanimously Passes Resolution Calling the War On Drugs a Failed Policy Driving Over-Incarceration and Racial Disparities

“The war on drugs — declared 40 years ago this weekend — has been the principal driver of mass incarceration in America,” said U.S. mayors in a resolution adopted on Monday at the United States Conference of Mayors’ annual meeting in Baltimore.
The mayors pointed out that the U.S. has by far the highest incarceration rate in the the world, with 2.4 million of its residents in prison or jail, including about 500,000 Americans behind bars for drug law violations — an increase of 1,200 percent since 1980.
In their resolution, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) officially endorsed pending bipartisan federal legislation, the National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2011, sponsored by Virginia Senator Jim Webb and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

Photo: Michael Gallacher/The Missoulian
Gov. Brian Schweitzer visits a medical marijuana dispensary in Missoula in June 2010. A bill to repeal the state’s medical marijuana law is now on the Governor’s desk, with a decision due this week.

​A bill which repeals the medical marijuana law overwhelmingly approved by Montana voters in 2004 is currently sitting on Governor Brian Schweitzer’s desk. If the Governor signs it, it becomes law, and an estimated 90 percent of medicinal cannabis patients in the state will become outlaws with the stroke of his pen. The Governor’s decision is expected this week.

Sen. Dave Wanzenreid spoke at a Cannabis Expo at the University of Montana over the weekend, telling the group “It’s time to contact your representatives,” reports Allyson Weller at KPAX News. Hearing from the people does make a difference, according to Wanzenreid.