The official trailer for the upcoming marijuana smuggler documentary, Square Grouper, has been released — and man, does it ever underline the “must see!” nature of this film.

“Square grouper” was the nickname given to bales of marijuana thrown overboard or out of airplanes during the halcyon smuggling days of the 1970s and 80s in South Florida.
The new documentary from filmmaker Billy Corben and rakontur, the creators of Cocaine Cowboys and The U, looks to be one of the best pot documentaries ever.

Photo: Viki Elliott
The Tuna himself, Robert Platshorn (left) and Toke of the Town editor Steve Elliott at Hempstalk 2010. (Yes, I told him how much I enjoyed all that Colombian Gold he brought in during the 1970s.)

​”This movie is based in part on my book,” Robert Platshorn, America’s longest-serving pot prisoner and author of Black Tuna Diaries, told Toke of the Town.
“I’m in it and it tells the story of how good Colombian weed started the current pot revolution,” Platshorn told us.
“It took a small army of gutsy South Florida smugglers to start today’s marijuana revolution,” Platshorn said. “We paid the price, but our Colombian Gold started the wave for medical marijuana and now legalization.”
Square Grouper tells the story in our own words,” Platshorn said.
The upcoming movie covers the smuggling adventures of the Black Tunas, the Coptics and the Everglades City crew.
Also be on the lookout for another exclusive Toke of the Town interview with Platshorn once the movie is released.