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Photo: FARK

​Twenty police officers, some in masks and riot gear, stormed an Arizona home last week after receiving a tip that the owner was in possession of an ounce of marijuana.

The homeowner, Ross Taylor, is a legal, card-carrying patient under the state’s new medical marijuana law, and is therefore allowed to possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis, reports Ray Stern at Phoenix New Times. Taylor is also the owner of Cannabis Patient Screening Centers, a new company that matches up patients with doctors for medical marijuana recommendations.

Photo: Full Stop India
Plant cannabis everywhere this spring. Overgrow The World!

​Overgrow The World has the same goal as most of us: “Full re-legalization of cannabis/hemp for all farmers and responsible adults around the world.” But OTW plans to achieve this goal through a unique method: planting marijuana in public, highly visible places.

A global “spring planting” is planned to specifically target areas which will be plainly visible, in order to get more national and international media coverage on the issue of cannabis re-legalization.
“Perhaps the simplest solution is the most visible,” reads the tagline on the OTW website, “and the idea is just that,” group founder ElectroPig Von Fökkengrüüven told Toke of the Town.
“I figured the best way to do that was to bring it to the streets of every city, town and village around the world,” the mysterious ElectroPig told us. “And if the plants are seen NOT chasing children down the street, and they are seen to NOT stick needles into people’s arms, maybe a bit of common sense ‘might’ start to filter into even the most willfully ignorant person’s mind.”

Photo: Missoula Independent
Jason Christ, owner of Montana Caregivers Network, is accused of unethical business practices in a lawsuit filed by three former employees on Thursday.

​Three former employees of a Missoula, Montana medical marijuana business that has helped thousands of patients get cannabis authorizations sued its owner Thursday, claiming that he ordered hundreds of card applications to be falsified.

The wrongful-discharge lawsuit filed in state District Court in Missoula also accused Montana Caregivers Network owner Jason Christ of verbally abusing employees, using company funds for personal expenses, driving a company van while smoking marijuana and creating a “hostile work environment” that essentially forced the three workers to quit on June 18, reports Mike Dennison at the Billings Gazette.