Even when leaving Colorado, most airline passengers know they’re not allowed to bring marijuana onto their flight. But for those who still try or simply forget what’s inside their luggage, some Colorado airports have amnesty boxes for marijuana disposal before going through security.
Browsing: Smuggler’s Blues
Another Denver marijuana dispensary was recently held up at gunpoint, adding to a list of unsolved pot shop robberies in the city.
Dear Stoner: Will an airport body scan identify edibles and a small slice of wax? That seems like a better alternative than my toiletry bag, which will get an X-ray.
A Colorado county sheriff measures a driver’s impairment levels during a 2018 driving experiment that measures the skills of alcohol and cannabis users.
Dear Stoner: How many hours after smoking marijuana does it take for you to be able to drive?
A sheriff’s department in southern Colorado is putting illegal marijuana growers on notice. In an announcement issued September 16, the Las Animas County Sheriff’s Office says that it had found and eradicated over forty illicit pot cultivations over the past several months, and warns that even more raids will follow.
Dear Stoner: What’s the best way to get high at the movies? It doesn’t need to be literally at the movies, but right before, at least.
Roger Eburnt
Dear Stoner: I am relocating to another state and don’t want to be stopped carrying vaporizers and bongs during the move. Is there any way I can legally dispose of or sell these items?
Dear Stoner: Should I eat edibles or smoke before getting on a plane? I don’t do much of either, but thought it’d help with the boredom.
A Miami man flew to Denver International Airport on a quest to buy a specific BMW, but he didn’t find a car. Instead, a lawsuit alleges, he was extorted for $50 by an Advantage Rent A Car employee and given a rental car with forty pounds of marijuana in the trunk.
Dear Stoner: My kid has growing pains in his legs and deals with shin splints after running or playing sports. Would CBD cream put him at risk of getting into trouble or anything like that at school?