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Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Arguably the most well-known doctor in the United States this week has announced that he is now in favor of legalizing medical cannabis and that he was wrong to speak out against medical marijuana in the past.
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanja Gupta says that five years ago, the research he was seeing just wasn’t there to prove that cannabis was a beneficial substance in America. At the time, Gupta rallied against cannabis, even penning an article in 2009 titled “While I Would Vote No on Pot”. But he now says his position was flawed, and it was mostly at due to his own willful ignorance on the matter.

Former Microsoft bigwig Jamen Shiveley announced this week that he’s creating the first national marijuana brand and that he eventually hopes to build the company up to be the Starbucks of recreational pot. To accomplish that, he eventually plans to break down international drug laws and import cannabis grown in Mexico.
“It’s a giant market in search of a brand,” Shiveley said at a press conference. “We would be happy if we get 40 percent of it worldwide.”

Graphic: BookRags
CNN reported that only 41 percent of “American adults” support marijuana legalization — but they didn’t ask anyone under 35.

​ on Tuesday released results from interviews with 824 “adult Americans” asking their opinions in the legalization of marijuana and gay marriage. But there was one big problem. They left out a big section of “adult Americans” — everyone under 35.

In response to the question, “Do you favor or oppose the legalization of marijuana?” 41 percent of “adults” said they favor it, 56 percent opposed, and 2 percent had no opinion, reports J. Grant at Our Time.
While American adults tend to be divided on controversial topics like this, what is disturbing is that posted these results despite the fact that they include no respondents between the ages of 18 and 34.
“Regardless of your opinion, you have a right to have an opinion, and for that opinion to be factored into poll results by one of the most trafficked news sites in America,” Grant wrote. “Since 18- to 34-year-olds were kept out of the conversation entirely, this is not an accurate poll and should not be labeled as such.

Former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders said Sunday that she supports legalizing marijuana.

“What I think is horrible about all of this, is that we criminalize young people,” Elders said, reports CNN. “And we use so many of our excellent resources… for things that aren’t really causing any problems.”
Californians vote in two weeks on Proposition 19, a ballot initiative to legalize, regulate and tax cannabis. The measure would effectively legalize adult recreational marijuana use in the state, though federal officials including Attorney General Eric Holder have claimed they would continue to enforce marijuana laws in California even if voters approve the initiative.

Photo: Cannabis Culture
Bernie Ellis: “If I were a rapist, the government couldn’t take my farm.”

​A public health scientist is losing his retirement, along with part of his farm, in the fight to legalize medical marijuana in Tennessee.
Bernie Ellis grew marijuana on his farm to help dull the pain from fibromyalgia and a degenerative disorder in his hip and spine. When neighbors told him about terminally ill patients in the area, he gave them free cannabis as well.
That’s until helicopters came flying over, and the federal government raided Ellis’s farm, seized 25 acres of it, and sent him to a halfway house for 18 months.
“If I were a rapist, the government couldn’t take my farm,” Ellis said in 2007. “I grew cannabis and provided it free of charge to sick people, so I run the risk of losing everything I own.
“That just doesn’t compute to me,” Ellis said.
“I don’t want to appear to be obstinate, but there’s a point at which you say enough is enough,” Ellis said. “They can’t have my home.”
Does he regret growing marijuana? “There are a number of things I regret in this experience,” he said. “I regret being naive to the process. But I do not regret using marijuana, and I do not regret helping people.”