Search Results: comedian/ (3)

Adam Hartle (left) with Tom Tancredo.

In January 2013, ex-Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo had promised to puff a joint on camera as part of a comedian/filmmaker’s movie about Colorado’s new marijuana laws should the measure pass — which it did.
Tancredo later welched on his bet under pressure from his family. But in Mile High — The COmeback of Cannabis, the now-completed documentary, which screens tonight through Thursday (with Hartle promising to give out free legal pot to adults 21 and over outside theaters), Tancredo watches as the director blazes.

Jack Rikess
Toke of the Town columnist and former stand-up comic Jack Rikess with a friend

​​​By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town
Northern California Correspondent

This Sunday, September 18, the amazing Debi Durst and the City of San Francisco present Comedy Day. It was founded in 1981 as a way for Bay Area comics to say thank you to comedy fans for their support and to The City that has nurtured so many comedians. Starting at noon and always ending with a “surprise guest”, this is a feast for the comedy fans of all ages. And it’s Free!
In honor of this glorious day, I hereby present my list of comics that have advance the cause of marijuana to audiences everywhere and, in the process, made us laugh.
I’m sorry to my friends and colleagues I’ve omitted. There’s only so much stage time. Maybe next year…