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San Diego based Medical Marijuana Inc. (MJNA) is commonly regarded as being the first publicly held company to deal openly in the hemp and marijuana markets. Promoted as a sort of ‘one-stop-shop’ for marijuana, hemp, and hempseed oil based products, services, and development, their product line focuses primarily on the benefits of CBDs, or cannabinoids, and what they hope are new, innovative, and popular ways to ingest them. MJNA prides itself on its “range of over 85 proprietary and patented cannabinoid ‘delivery methods’ that are more ‘socially and medically acceptable’ than typical industry methods.”


​SB 409 Moves On After Stunning 5-0 Vote
In a huge victory for patients and their families, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee has voted 5-0 to approve New Hampshire’s medical marijuana bill, SB 409. A vote by the full Senate is expected next week.
Senators Jeb Bradley (R-Wolfeboro), Gary Lambert (R-Nashua), Andy Sanborn (R-Henniker), Tom DeBlois (R-Litchfield), and Molly Kelly (D-Keene) all voted in favor of the bill, having considered more than two and a half hours of testimony at a March 8 public hearing.
The bill’s prime sponsor, Sen. Jim Forsythe (R-Strafford), expressed satisfaction with the vote.
“If a seriously ill patient and his or her doctor believe marijuana may be the best option, government should not interfere with that decision, and I’m very pleased to see unanimous agreement from this committee,” Forsythe said.

Photo: Livestream
N.J. Gov. Chris Christie: “I have been struggling — as has my administration — to try and find a way to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish … which is to provide compassionate treatment to people who are suffering”

​New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced at a surprise press conference on Tuesday that he has decided to allow six Alternative Treatment Centers, as the state calls medical marijuana dispensaries, to move ahead.

The governor, who has been accused of deliberately stalling implementation of the medical marijuana law approved by the Legislature in January 2010, said he would take full responsibility for the move, reports Freedom Is Green.
“I have been struggling — as has my administration — to try and find a way to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish … which is to provide compassionate treatment to people who are suffering in a way that will not expose them, the operators of our dispensaries or employees of the State of New Jersey to criminal liability,” Christie said.

Graphic: Prohibition’s End

​“Next Steps for Marijuana Reform in California,” a day-long gathering of marijuana reform advocates, will be Saturday, March 19 at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood.

In the wake of Proposition 19’s strong showing at the polls last year, this conference will address ongoing efforts to end failed marijuana prohibition in California, steps to reform the state’s medical marijuana laws, and priorities for marijuana reform in the coming years.
The conference is presented by California NORML, Drug Policy Alliance, Marijuana Policy Project, Americans for Safe Access, and VibeNation MultiMedia.