Search Results: fine/ (2)

Mile High City, Colo.

Denver City Council today will be considering a measure that would it a fine of up to $999 and a year in jail for public consumption of marijuana as well as consuming marijuana on your private property if your neighbors happen to smell it and complain. Seriously. For more, check out Denver Westword‘s local coverage.

Westword has also put together a list of five things in Denver that smell worse than cannabis smoke (not that cannabis smoke smells bad to us at all).

C3 Collective
A sample of the wares at Walnut Creek’s C3 Collective.

​Five hundred bucks a day adds up fast. Brian Hyman, director of the only medical marijuana dispensary in Walnut Creek, California, can tell you that.

Hyman’s dispensary, the C3 Collective, has been fined $500 a day by Walnut Creek since shortly after opening in June.
As people discover all the time, once you’re in city government’s crosshairs, they can find something to for which to harass you. In C3’s case, the official reasons have been things like violation of a general nuisance clause in the city code that prohibits any organization that violates federal law.
Sounds reasonable enough, until you remember that federal law recognizes no such thing as medical marijuana. Seems even if the Obama Administration is reluctant to enforce federal marijuana laws, Walnut Creek isn’t willing to back down.