Search Results: iowa/ (3)

“Instead of putting this guy in jail, somebody should be studying him,” Dr. Charles Goldman, cancer surgeon at Mercy Hospital in Des Moines

Unless you are one of the very few who qualify for Iowa’s recently passed, and highly restrictive, medical marijuana program, the law is clear in the Hawkeye State when it comes to possessing and growing cannabis.

A first offense of possessing any amount of weed in Iowa can earn you a fat $1000 fine and up to six months in the clink. If they catch you growing pot in Iowa, you’ll be looking at a much steeper fine and anywhere from five, to twenty five, years in prison.
So it was kind of a big deal when 48-year old Benton Mackenzie left the courtroom with just probation yesterday, after being found guilty of cultivating 71 cannabis plants after a police raid on their property back in June of last year. Under the circumstances, however, it’s easy to see why the Judge showed some leniency.

Two-year-old Vivian Wilson suffers from major siezures that could be helped by cannabis.

Update 3:20 p.m. 8-16-2013: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie doesn’t care about suffering, sick children in his state. That’s the message sent to medical marijuana supporters today after the guv vetoed a bill and sent a bill easing minor access to medical cannabis back to the legislature for fixes.
Among his chief complaints: edibles should be accessible only to minors and children would still need two doctors to sign off before the children could access medical cannabis. Christie says he will sign the bill if those issues are addressed.

Photo: Celebrifi
No, this isn’t her. But I’d like to live in a world where it is.

​Police claim a Mill Creek, Washington espresso stand may be the first in Snohomish County to offer lattes with a shot of marijuana on the side.

An undercover detective with the Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force claims he last week twice bought pot from the business, according to a search warrant affidavit filed Friday, reports Jackson Holtz of the Everett Herald.
The primary suspect in the case is an “attractive” Mill Creek woman, 46, Holtz reports. She has not been arrested or charged, Holtz told Toke of the Town, so the Herald is not yet naming her.
“Photos of the woman posted on an Internet site show her posing with her handsome son,” the newspaper tells us.
Police claim they bought weed at the stand, south of the Silver Firs neighborhood, from both the woman and her son’s girlfriend.