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Every day in prisons across the country, inmates are scheming to devise innovative, or disgusting, new ways to smuggle in drugs, phones, and other contraband. Every day, surely some of those attempts get busted, but maybe none quite as ridiculous as what happened this past Sunday in Jackson, Michigan.
When it comes to ridiculous prison smuggling attempts, there is some pretty stiff competition.
Heather Mizeur.

Maryland Democratic Gov. Hopeful Heather Mizeur’s first outlined a $280 million plan to fund pre-k for 4-year-olds and half-day daycare for 3-year-olds back in October. At the time, she didn’t say how she would pay for it. Now we know, and some of you are probably really going to like this:
Mizeur announced late yesterday that she plans to propose legalizing and taxing recreational cannabis to help fund the state’s pre-kindergarten initiative.

Michael Saffioti.

Last year, 22-year-old Michael Saffioti had a warrant out for a misdemeanor pot charge in Washington state. Despite having severe allergies and asthma, Saffioti turned himself in and turned over his life to jailers who let him die from an allergic reaction to his breakfast despite knowing full well of his condition.
At the time, the state denied pressing any criminal charges against anyone in his death because there wasn’t enough evidence. But a new video turned up by KIRO 7 in Seattle shows Saffioti questioning what he was being fed to guards who had medical files on him.

Photo: Eric Kayne

By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town

Northern California Correspondent

​I am totally Fed up.

If you haven’t heard already, ex-presidents, prime ministers, eminent economists and the Big Dudes of the business community will be meeting to discuss how the world’s drug policies “just ain’t working.” The quote is mine.
The Global Commission on Drug Policy will host a press conference at the prestigious Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York on Thursday, to pull the trigger on their findings that describe the Drug War as a failure and call for a “paradigm shift” in approaching the issue.
The commission will demand that the focus change from criminal justice towards a public health approach. The global advocacy organization Avaaz, which has nine million members, will present a petition in support of the commission’s recommendations to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
The commission cites such factors as the cartel-related violence in Mexico, President Barack Obama’s comment that it was “perfectly legitimate” to question whether the War On Drugs was working, and the wider global economic crisis. These factors have the world leaders questioning whether it is time to change our course when it comes to the War On Drugs.

Photo: The WEBstaurant store

​Tastes great, but you’re hungry again in 15 minutes.
A Georgia man has been arrested after sheriff’s deputies claim they caught him trying to smuggle marijuana in to an Alabama jail inmate in a container of Chinese food.

Pike County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Edward Ridley, 41, of Cordele, Ga., and charged him Saturday with felony “promoting prison contraband,” reports Matt Elofson at the Dothan Eagle.

He was still being held at the Pike County Jail Thursday on $7,500 bond.
Ridley entered the jail with a styrofoam container of Chinese take-out food, including rice and shrimp, for inmate Vincent Thomas, acccording to sheriff’s department records.

Photo: David Brooks/Union-Tribune
Okoronkwo Umeham, 73, was detained in Mexico while his Nigerian soup ingredients were tested.

​A 73-year-old U.S. citizen had no idea that he’d end up in a Tijuana jail for possessing the ingredients for a Nigerian soup. But he said the spices, dried fish and vegetables must have looked like illegal drugs to the inspectors in Mexico — and he landed in jail for two days.

The Mexican inspectors asked the man, as he entered Mexico, if the labeled packages contained marijuana, and he said no. Since he doesn’t speak Spanish, he couldn’t explain what they were. Mexican authorities put him in jail, saying they needed to test the materials.

San Diego social worker Uokoronkwo Umeham, who was born in Nigeria, was just doing a favor for a relative who was longing for a taste of home when he crossed the border March 15.
He was entering Mexico to deliver the ingredients for “ugu,” a traditional soup, to a homesick younger relative. His nephew, Xavier Nnanna Nwafor, lives in Tijuana and doesn’t have a visa to cross the border to San Diego, where the ingredients are available.
Umeham took the same ingredients across the border last September without incident, his wife, Gail Umeham, said Wednesday, reports Raquel Maria Dillon of The Associated Press.