Search Results: klh49/ (1)

Want your welfare check? Whip it out, hippie.

​It’s a popular strategy — blame and victimize the poorest and most vulnerable members of society, punishing them for an activity which all social classes engage in, by taking away what little they have.

Michigan’s Department of Human Services says it is still in the “early process” of developing drug-screening policies for welfare benefit recipients, but have said the plan is “feasible.”
Questions of when and how the policy will be implemented can’t be answered yet, according to DHS spokesman David Akerly.

Michigan Radio‘s Rick Pluta reported on Monday that it is “likely” that welfare recipients would receive the testing.
“DHS officials say they want the new policy to be part of an overhaul of the state’s welfare-to-work program in the spring of next year,” Pluta reported. “The department submitted a report with its recommendations to the Legislature earlier this month.”