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Frenkel & Frenkel

By Anthony Martinelli
Sensible Washington
In 2010, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) was one of the most vocal and powerful voices opposed to Proposition 19, the failed ballot effort in California which would of legalized cannabis.
In 2011, MADD furthered this misplaced opposition by partnering with the ONDCP (Office of National Drug Control Policy, headed by our nation’s Drug Czar) in a nationally coordinated effort to combat “drugged driving.” In other words; joining forces to oppose efforts to reform our failed cannabis policies, working towards unscientific per se driving laws, and continuing to spread the same misinformation the ONDCP has become famous for.
In taking this approach, MADD is counteracting their own agenda. By working to defeat the legalization of cannabis, they’re directly responsible for fatalities that could of otherwise been avoided.