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It could be a rare chance for ordinary investors to buy into the Green Rush.

Here’s your daily round-up of pot-news, excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Download WeedWeek’s free 2016 election guide here.

Innovative Industrial Properties, a cannabis Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), filed to go public on the New York Stock Exchange. Led by experienced real estate executives, it plans to sell $175M worth of shares. The deal is the first of its kind.

David Stevens / Cheryl Shuman
Amendment 64 supporters Tuesday night celebrate the legalization of marijuana in Colorado

By Dr. Robert Townsend
“The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will,” Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper said in a written statement released by his office. “This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug so don’t break out the Cheetos or gold fish too quickly.”
The voters have spoken indeed. Legalization in the face of federal law has passed by a large margin in two states, we added the 18th medical state, we nearly got a 19th in the South, and all ballot initiatives supportive of cannabis passed in Michigan. But like the Colorado governor demonstrates, there are many politicians rushing to smoke filled back rooms to try and figure out a way to circumvent the will of the voters. 
Is he isolated in his views? We see so many examples of politicians like Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and agencies like the Department of Justice, HUD, and the ATF doing everything they can to maintain the status quo of prohibition. Private employers hide behind federal law to discriminate against the sick, adopting the position that it is OK to show up to work stoned out of your mind on oxycontin, but if you used cannabis 3 weeks ago… welcome to the world of unemployment. 

S.E. Miller/SLO New Times
Though Charles Lynch and his dispensary were supported by local officials and the Chamber of Commerce in Morro Bay, where Central Coast Compassionate Caregivers was located, the DEA raided and shut down CCCC in 2007

Widely supported former dispensary operator appeals conviction to 9th Circuit amidst ongoing federal crackdown
Medical marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) filed an amicus ‘friend of the court’ brief on Monday in a federal appeal brought by California dispensary operator Charlie C. Lynch. Lynch’s case drew a lot of attention during his 2008 trial and June 2009 sentencing under an Obama Justice Department.
Though Lynch was supported by local officials and the Chamber of Commerce in Morro Bay, where his state-compliant dispensary Central Coast Compassionate Caregivers (CCCC) was located, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) raided and shut down CCCC in 2007 anyway, much like the DEA is doing today. A hearing in the Lynch appeal is expected this winter.

GW Pharmaceuticals
Just how is it that the approval of a medicine for multiple sclerosis “should” end the debate over medical marijuana?

By Bob Starrett
All I had to do is see the headline “The Real Dope On Medical Marijuana,” and the vehicle, Forbes, to know what the article said. But I read it anyway and it said just what I thought it would say. I didn’t want to get caught in the “didn’t read it” trap. Just google “didn’t read the bill”  to see what happens when people do that.
Now, I didn’t know that writers had taglines, but Forbes contributor Dr. Henry I. Miller’s tagline is “I debunk the worst, most damaging, most hypocritical junk science.” Dr. Miller is a Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. That’s a mouthful. So is what he says.

Brittney Lohmiller/The Saginaw News
Dr. Bob Townsend meets with a patient in Saginaw, Michigan. “My patients didn’t tell me it helped them; they showed me by getting rid of narcotics,” Townsend said.

​One Michigan physician says that counter to what he was told in medical school, his patients have shown him that medical marijuana produces results.

“I, like most physicians, was taught that ‘medical marijuana’ was a political movement and marijuana has no medical use,” wrote Dr. Robert Townsend in the Lansing State Journal on Saturday. “But we were also taught to listen to our patients and base our decisions on evidence, not dogma.”
“Take chronic, severe pain — a qualifying condition for medical marijuana,” Dr. Townsend wrote. “IF my professors in medical school were correct, if marijuana is a Schedule I narcotic because it has no medical value, I would not expect marijuana use to result in a decreased need for pain medication.

Photo: Jenn Miller

​The City of Seal Beach, California has paid a medical marijuana patient $32,500 to settle a lawsuit resulting from what he called the unlawful confiscation of 50 marijuana plants.

Bruce Benedict, 45, sued the Seal Beach Police Department for $1 million in August 2008, alleging violations of civil and safety codes, false imprisonment, battery and trespass, reports Jaimee Lynn Fletcher at The Orange County Register.
“I’m happy that I won,” Benedict said. “I’m happy that they got slapped in the face.”
“It’s not about the money,” he said. “These [cops]are bad for society.”