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Rolling Stone.

For the first time in the magazine’s history, Rolling Stone has devoted pretty much all of their print edition to cannabis this week, with a range of news and cultural pieces.
Highlighted in the magazine this week is an article by comedian Bill Maher titled “How We Won the War on Pot”, a piece on marijuana myth-busting, and a feature on Drug Policy Alliance founder Ethan Nadelmann who the magazine dubs “The Real Drug Czar”.

George Clooney.

Teaming up for the first time since their red carpet victories with Argo, writer Grant Heslov and actor George Clooney (who co-produced Argo) have reportedly been recruited by Sony Pictures to produce a feature film about a 1970’s Southern California pot smuggling ring, tentatively titled Coronado High.
But while there’s little doubt the script would be hit with moviegoers, the mere rumors of the flick have put the tiny Coronado Island community back in an unwanted spotlight.

Mario Piperni dot Com
What I learned from watching the Republican Convention was that nowadays you can basically lie about anything as long as the market can tolerate the bullshit

By Jack Rikess
Toke of the Town
Northern California Correspondent
Boy Howdy… Are we fucked
What I learned from watching the Republican Convention was that nowadays you can basically lie about anything as long as the market can tolerate the bullshit. In the past, the market stood for facts, common sense and what we could logically bear as a society. Now the market is based on how much bullshit you can get the American people to accept before their heads overload and explode.
Take American Idol. It was almost a new religion when it premiered in 2002. Now it’s like an elderly third cousin who needs a place to crash for a night or a year. When the American people have had enough of something they let you go quick the way the Church of Scientology jettisons a fanatic parishioner who talks to the press. 
And don’t expect any apology.
See, I don’t care about the lies told at the RNC. They’re on the record but it doesn’t matter. You could tell the American people that cannabis cures cancer but they won’t believe it until they heard from someone they trust like Dr. Oz or Matt Lauer. 
What I do care about are the innocent people who get hurt in the process? I care about my friends, the growers of Northern California.
Did I mention we’re fucked?
Sorry for the crassness but I’m beyond angry. I’m motivated.

Wow, the Devil seems a little darker of complexion than than innocently pure white lady.

Worth Repeating
By Ron Marczyk, R.N.
Health Education Teacher (Retired)
Users report that marijuana has a relaxing aphrodisiac effect, and its use increases sexual pleasure. The black jazz “reefer music” of the 1930s was in large part inspired by marijuana.
Marijuana and jazz music go together like a melody and lyrics.
This cultural mix of marijuana, white people liking jazz music and sex all conflicted with the morality of prohibitionists in the 1930s.

How did “male vs. male” sexual competition unconsciously drive marijuana prohibition 75 years ago, leading to the present failed war on marijuana?

This is a historical (circa 1937) psychological deconstruction of the unconscious sexual rationales behind making cannabis — rebranded as evil “marijuana” — illegal.

Photo: Hello Beautiful
Whoopi Goldberg: “Smoking cigarettes and pot every now and then are my habits”

​Comedian Whoopi Goldberg has admitted she smoked marijuana just before the 1991 Academy Awards ceremony, and said she was quite high when she gave her acceptance speech for winning Best Supporting Actress for her role in the movie Ghost.

“Smoking cigarettes and pot every now and then are my habits,” the current host of The View explained in footage obtained by TMZ on Thursday. “And I thought, ‘I’ve got to relax,’ So I smoked a joint, my homegrown,” to calm down before the Oscars.
She then described the shock be being announced as the winner and said she remembers trying hard to focus “to just get to the stage,” reports the New York Post.
“When he [presenter Denzel Washington]said my name and I popped up, I thought, ‘Oh, fuck’ … OK, up the stairs … around to the podium … there’s millions of people, get the statue, pick up the statue,” Goldberg said.
This isn’t the first time Whoopi’s talked about pot in public. Back in 2009 she came to Olympic champion swimmer Michael Phelps’ defense after the infamous photo swept the Internet of Phelps hitting a bong.

Photo: Trailer Park Boys
The Trailer Park Boys, from left, Ricky, Bubbles and Julian, have big plans, but little brains. Oh, and now they have big bank accounts.

​They’re unlikely heroes, perhaps, but the foul-mouthed, pot-smoking Trailer Park Boys raked in the most money of any English-Canadian film last year with their second full-length feature film, The Trailer Park Boys: Countdown To Liquor Day.

The comedy grossed $2.9 million in 2009, according to Telefilm, and also earned the film’s director and writers Telefilm’s first Golden Box Office Award, reports The Globe and Mail.
A $40,000 cash prize will be split between director and co-writer Mike Clattenburg and co-writers Timm Hannebohm, John Paul Tremblay (who plays Julian), Robb Wells (Ricky), and Mike Smith (Bubbles).

John Stossel: “It’s not the intoxicant that causes crime — it’s prohibition.”

​Host John Stossel will take a look at the effects of prohibition during part of his Fox Business Network show, Stossel, Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

“In part of my show tonight, I’ll talk about how laws against prostitution, organ selling, and drug use hurt more people than prostitution, organ selling, and drug use do,” Stossel wrote Thursday.
Stossel notes that the first argument against legalizing drugs is usually “Then more kids will abuse drugs!”
“But there’s little evidence for that,” Stossel points out. “The Netherlands has officially ‘tolerated’ marijuana for 30 years. So is there violent marijuana crime? No. Fewer young people in Holland smoke marijuana than do Americans. Legalization took the mystique away. A Dutch minister of health said, ‘We’ve succeeded in making pot… boring.’ “