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You’ll soon be able to have a little weed here and not be a criminal.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter says he will finally sign a measure decriminalizing up to 30 grams of pot in the City of Brotherly Love that City Council approved back in June. His only demand: he still wants to waste the time of the courts with pot tickets.
The original draft approved by council made possession 30 grams or less akin to a parking ticket in that you could simply mail in your $25 fine. Nutter is okay with keeping the $25 fine and keeping it off of people’s records, but wants to make the offense a “non-summary” charge that requires an appearance before a city judge.

Photo: Lara Brenckle/The Patriot-News
Supporters of the movement to legalize medical marijuana in Pennsylvania rallied on the steps of the state Capitol in Harrisburg in July 2009.

​On Thursday, four state senators in Pennsylvania introduced Senate Bill 1003, which would legalize the medicinal use of cannabis in the Keystone State.

According to an unofficial PDF of the bill viewed by Randy LoBasso at PhillyNow (the official bill has not been made public), it would provide for “the medical use of marijuana; and repealing provisions of the law that prohibit and penalize marijuana use.”
The bill’s language contends there are several reasons why this needs to happen now: first of all, modern medical research “has discovered a beneficial use for marijuana in treating or alleviating the pain” or symptoms caused by certain medical conditions. Secondly, 99 percent of  all marijuana arrests are made under state, not federal law. And thirdly, 15 other states have already enacted such policies “for the health and welfare benefits of their citizens.”

Graphic: Opposing Views

​New Jersey Senate and Assembly committees on Monday are looking at new resolutions to force changes to the overly restrictive medical marijuana rules proposed by the administration of Governor Chris Christie.

The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) issued draft regulations for the state’s medical cannabis program last month, reports Chris Goldstein at the Philadelphia NORML Examiner.
Among the new limitations proposed by the Christie Administration:
• A physician registry
• Capping THC content at 10 percent, compared to an average 18-20 percent in most medical marijuana states (no other state caps THC content)
• Having just three strains of cannabis available
• Forcing physicians to tell patients marijuana has a “risk of addiction
• Limiting licensed cultivation to just two grow centers.