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The Charleston Gazette

Could your medical marijuana dispensary be reporting you to the Feds? Some California collective operators are working as confidential federal informants, according to chilling new information revealed as a result of an ongoing investigation into municipal corruption.

Last week, federal authorities arrested three current and former city officials in Cudahy — the mayor, a city councilman, and a former acting city manager — on bribery charges for allegedly taking $17,000 in bribes from someone who wanted to open a dispensary in the town, according to Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Akrotirianakis, reports the Los Angeles Times.

Tuesday, September 14, 10 p.m.

Photo: National Geographic Explorer

​Marijuana is the most widely used “illicit drug” on the planet, according to National Geographic, and Explorer rerun focuses mostly on cannabis in Canada with an encore airing (OK, a rerun) of the episode Marijuana Nation at 10 p.m. Tuesday night.
“Reporting from secret farms and not-so-secret grow houses of marijuana cultivators, Lisa Ling goes into their world — where marijuana is not just a drug but a way of life,” National Geographic informs us.