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Photo: Tracey Adams/Weekend Argus
Puff Puff Pass: Dagga Party executive committee members Israel Jeneke, Barend Wentzel, Hendrik Fortuin and leader Jeremy Acton last week announced their participation in the political process. Their efforts to participate were rewarded with a police raid on Friday.

Dagga Party Came From ‘Listening To The Herb’

Photo: IOL News
South African police raid Dagga Party headquarters on Friday, shortly after the organization announced it would be participating in upcoming elections

​Police on Friday raided the home of the leader of the Dagga Party of South Africa shortly after the party announced it was participating in local elections. All the cops found were a few seeds.
Jeremy Acton, whose party is registered in the Langeberg Municipality to contest the May 18 local government elections, said he was not at his Montagu farmhouse when police arrived Friday morning, but they questioned one of his workers and took him to the police station, reports IOL News.
“The took all the pipes and took photographs of my marijuana graphics and a poem I have for meditation,” Acton said.
Acton said he wasn’t sure if a warrant had been issued for his arrest, but he wasn’t planning on returning to Montagu until tomorrow. He said he had already taken his Dagga Party pamphlets to the police in Montagu and explained he was fighting to get cannabis legalized. He said he’d heard the police wanted to stop his efforts.
The Dagga Party wants to legalize the herb and keep South Africa’s “dagga culture” alive, and is participating in the May local elections, a historical first which has generated great media interest and lots of public support.
The idea of forming the Dagga Party came from “listening to the herb,” according to leader Acton.

“By registering our party we made history for the legalization of cannabis in South Africa and by participating in this election we make history every step of the way,” Acton said. “If we win even one council seat in the Municipality, we achieve a beachhead for further efforts to legalize dagga,” Acton said, using the South African slang word for cannabis.