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Dan Vacek/Minnesota Grassroots Party
Minnesota residents: Help legalize marijuana by writing Grassroots code [15] on your state tax form for 2011. Marking the box will not increase your tax or reduce your refund! Tell your friends to do the same.

If you live in Minnesota, you’ll have an opportunity this year when you file your state tax form to support a great cause: the Minnesota Grassroots Party. After an absence of a few years, the party is back on the tax form after fielding a candidate in the 2010 statewide election.

Marking the State Elections Campaign Fund box — and filling in “15” to support the Grassroots Party — will not affect the amount of your refund or the amount of taxes you owe. It will, however, instruct the state of Minnesota to direct $5 from the campaign fund to the Grassroots Party.