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Hit bongs, not spouses

In the business of analyzing the domestic abuse statistics and trends in our country, there is a term used called “Alcohol or Other Drug” involvement, or AOD. The data seems to show that the impairment, poor decision making and amped up aggression that is generally associated with abusing alcohol, or “Other Drugs”, commonly leads to physical violence in a marriage.
Studies over the decades have varied, but they typically show that 48% to 87% of the time that a person is physically assaulted by their spouse, the aggressor is juiced up on some booze.
So, what do the statistics say about weed?

NY Daily News
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: “Because of the harm that substances like marijuana and other narcotics pose to our society, I have concerns about this legislation”

​From time to time we are reminded just how much work remains when it comes to educating politicians and the public about cannabis. One of those times is now: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) has warned a constituent via a letter that he doesn’t support medical marijuana legalization because, among other reasons, smoking pot can lead to death.

In a February 4 reply to his constituent, McConnell ticked off some “serious concerns” he has about legalizing weed for medicinal purposes, the topic about which the constituent had written him, reports Jennifer Bendery at the Huffington Post.

Photo: Latin America News Dispatch
Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom and Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla during their anti-marijuana meeting Sunday.

​The presidents of Costa Rica and Guatemala on Sunday showed themselves to be good little obedient Drug Warriors, rejecting a recommendation from a committee of former Latin American presidents and other former world leaders to legalize marijuana in an effort to help stem the violence caused by organized crime in Central America.

Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla (yeah, that’s really her name, man) and her Guatemalan counterpart President Álvaro Colom met over the weekend in San Jose, reports Andrew OReilly at Latin America News Dispatchwhere they agreed to claim that last week’s proposal by the Commission on Global Drug Policy to decriminalize marijuana “would not work,” and would be just an ever-so-icky thing to boot.

Photo: Yuma Sun
Border Patrol agent Michael Atondo was arrested after the discovery of more than 745 pounds of marijuana in his patrol vehicle.

​Details are coming to light in the case of Michael Atondo, the Border Patrol agent arrested in Arizona this week with marijuana in his patrol vehicle.

Two agents responding to an activated sensor found Atondo at the border fence, according to the criminal complaint filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court, reports Sarah Womer at the Yuma Sun. Because of his “unusual actions” — Atondo was understandably freaking out — the agents asked to search Atondo’s vehicle, where they discovered multiple bundles of marijuana.