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Sean Parker, co-founder of Napster, has donated $100,000 to the Prop 19 marijuana legalization cause in California.

​Sean Parker, the co-founder of Napster and a current venture capitalist, on Monday donated $100,000 to Proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana for adults in California, according to campaign finance records.

Parker, the guy played by Justin Timberlake in the new Facebook movie, The Social Network, donated the money to the Drug Policy Action Committee, which is separate from Richard Lee’s Yes On 19 committee, reports Chris Roberts at our sister Village Voice Media blog, SF Weekly.

Daniel Rhoades/A Life Of Absolute Gangsterism

​Man, I really hate to tell you this. But if you’re a cannabis user in California, you should stop drinking beer, unless you are into donating money to continue being busted for pot.

The second biggest contributor to the main group opposing Prop 19 marijuana legalization in California — behind only law enforcement organizations — is the trade association for the state’s beer distributors, according to Steve Fox of the Marijuana Policy Project, co-author of Marijuana Is Safer.
On September 7, the California Beer and Beverage Distributors made a whopping $10,000 contribution to a committee opposing Proposition 19.

“Unless the beer distributors in California have suddenly developed a philosophical opposition to the use of intoxicating substances, the motivation behind this contribution is clear,” Fox said.
“Plain and simple, the alcohol industry is trying to kill the competition,” Fox said. “They know that marijuana is less addictive, less toxic and less likely to be associated with violent behavior than alcohol. So they don’t want adults to have the option of using marijuana legally instead of alcohol.”
“Their mission is to drive people to drink,” Fox said.


Photo: Creative Loafing

​​Hey, if there were only some rock and roll to go with the sex and drugs, this would be a perfect story.

A new campaign committee to support Prop 19, California’s initiative to legalize marijuana for recreational use, has a wealthy donor: the president of Adam & Eve, a mail order firm selling sex toys and porn.

Philip D. Harvey, who heads up the North Carolina company which has been billed as America’s largest provider of sexual products and fuck films, has donated $100,000 to the Drug Policy Action Committee to Tax and Regulate Marijuana, reports Peter Hecht at the Fresno Bee.

Graphic: Budhoe

​Organized labor and California’s burgeoning marijuana industry are coming together for what is believed to be the very first time, after 100 employees at Oaksterdam University turned in their union cards and joined the 26,000-member Local 5 of the United Food and Commercial Workers, school and union officials confirmed Wednesday, reports Chris Roberts at the SF Appeal.

Oaksterdam, which includes a cannabis dispensary and plant nursery, as well as cultivation classes, is also the force behind California’s legalization initiative, Tax Cannabis 2010, through the deep pockets of founder and owner Richard Lee, who has given nearly $1.3 million to the ballot measure.