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​​​By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town
Northern California Correspondent

“Angela” blames most of her problems on the economy. “I had a total of three houses, the one I lived in and two others I bought as investments in early ’04. After my real estate business stalled in ’08, I was basically sitting on three empty houses that I couldn’t move or even rent. That when I decided that maybe there was another way: I would grow marijuana.”
And that’s where all of Angela’s troubles started.

Graphic: says it supports Israel’s sick, ill and dying with free medical marijuana.

The Israeli Health Ministry’s committee on medical cannabis recommended last Wednesday the addition of marijuana to the official list of medicinal drugs. That means it should be available in Israeli pharmacies within six months, if the Health Ministry accepts the recommendation, reports Phillip Smith at

Dr. Yehuda Baruch, who heads up the medical marijuana committee, made the recommendation. Baruch said medical cannabis is helpful for multiple sclerosis, patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, and for the relief of chronic pain.

Photo: Bachrach44
Pick Up The Pieces, one of the many “coffee shops” in Amsterdam

​Dutch “coffee shops,” a euphemism for outlets selling cannabis, are in danger, and have announced they are going “on strike” on June 9, the day the Netherlands will hold parliamentary elections.

“The idea behind closing for the day is to encourage all those who like to smoke a joint to get out and vote for the parties which will ensure that coffee shops will not be banned in the Netherlands,” reports Johan van Slooten at Radio Netherlands Worldwide.