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Capitol Cannabis Reform Jam 2012

Georgia marijuana activists invite all area supporters to let their voices be heard again on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol. On November 3 at 3 p.m., advocates will hold the third annual Capitol Cannabis Reform Jam 2012 to legalize responsible usage and stop arresting medical marijuana patients, according to Jonathon R. Weaver, founder of Group-Civil Disobedience (Non-Violent).

According to Dean Sines, outreach coordinator for Peachtree NORML (a local affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), the Jam is one of many events local activists have held on the steps of the Georgia Capitol.
“We have a lot of groups that help put this event together: Peachtree NORML, Georgia Moms For Marijuana, Coalition Against Marijuana Prohibition (CAMP), Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), Georgia State University SSDP, Group-Civil Disobedience, and many others,” Sines told Toke of the Town.

Women For Measure 80

Women for Measure 80, a group that is working to restore industrial hemp and end cannabis prohibition in Oregon, is hosting a fundraiser Saturday, September 29, at Plew’s Brews in the St. John’s neighborhood of Portland.
Sponsored by Ethereal Madness Entertainment, the event promises to be a full day of live music, good conversations, good brews and cannabis & hemp education. Music will be provided by Cascadia Rising, The Roaming, Xperience of Psykosis, Sam Gustafson, Cupcake, Gringo Stars, Justin James Bridges, WeSickBoss, Miriams Well and more.
A silent auction with some great prizes and a masseuse provide even more ways to support Measure 80 at this event. A medication area will be provided for OMMP registrants.
“We are excited that this event is receiving so much local support,” said Anna Diaz, founder of Women for Measure 80. “It’s time for our state to provide a more sensible approach to marijuana laws that will create jobs and protect our children.” 

Jason David
Jayden David’s father Jason reports that his walking is better — Jayden was previously non-ambulatory. He can now swim, an activity he adores, without having a seizure

“But, what about the children?!” 
Why children with Dravet syndrome are using cannabis and why consistent access to their medicine is important
By Sarah Russo
Parents of some children with Dravet syndrome, a rare and severe type of epilepsy, are using CBD-rich cannabis to treat their condition. Finding this medicine is difficult and getting consistent access to quality medicine is even more so.
Dravet syndrome is a severe myoclonic epilepsy whose onset occurs in infancy. Those with Dravet may have upwards of 100 seizures per day. The most intense episodes can last for 15 minutes to up to an hour. There is no known cure. The best available treatment is to minimize seizures, which are precipitated by environmental stress.
The longer a person has an epileptic attack, the higher the likelihood that prolonged damage could occur. Dravet seizures are so intense and long that brain development is delayed. In severe cases, a seizure may cause cardiac arrest. Each day can vary drastically for those with Dravet. There are a variety of pharmaceutical anticonvulsants available, but none of them eliminate seizures, and all have side effects.
Recently, a group of families affected by Dravet have turned to CBD-rich cannabis as a treatment for their children. These families have formed a Facebook group that allows members to provide support, compare notes, and to share experiences.

Get Surrey
Activist Winston Matthews, 55 and disabled, is being jailed for 16 months for growing cannabis to treat his back pain

​British pro-cannabis campaigner Winston Matthews, 55, who refused to stop growing marijuana despite repeated arrests, has been jailed for 16 months in the U.K.

Matthews, of Upfield Close, Horley, admitted violating a suspended sentence he was given on August 23, 2010, as well as three counts of cultivating cannabis and two counts of possession between August 28 and December 16 that same year, reports Ben Endley at Get Surrey.

He had been scheduled for sentencing last Friday but the hearing was deferred until Monday, when Judge Suzan Matthews (no relation) admitted the case was “unique” but insisted the grandfather of two still had to be jailed.
The day before his sentencing, Matthews, an outspoken member of Surrey’s Legalise Cannabis Alliance (LCA), posted on Facebook about the case.
“All I had to do to get a deferred sentence yesterday [February 3] was lie to a judge and say I’d stop taking cannabis!” he posted. “I wasn’t prepared to do that! One love!”

NL Coffeeshop & Cannabis Nieuws

​In a maddening show of spineless backsliding after 35 years of tolerance, the conservative government of the Netherlands seems hellbent on turning the clock back to a darker time in Dutch history — a time when the cannabis trade was driven underground and people had to access the black market for marijuana.

And, of course, in our interconnected world, such a failure of leadership would reverberate internationally, according to expert observers.
“If tolerance ends or gets limited in the Netherlands, then politicians all over the world will say things like ‘Tolerance failed in Holland,’ and use that as an excuse to enforce their anti-cannabis propaganda, opinions and laws,” well-known Dutch cannabis blogger Peter Lunk told Toke of the Town.

Photo: AMMJC
Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition Co-President Ron Crumpton, right, is interviewed by newspaper reporter Jason Bacaj of The Anniston Star.

​State Lawmaker: ‘Good Possibility’ He Will Sponsor A Medical Marijuana Bill In Alabama Legislature
Did you know that the Heart of Dixie stands an excellent chance to become the first medical marijuana state in the Deep South?
The newest Alabama group working to allow marijuana as medicine is taking its message to the people with a series of picnic-style meetings across the state. The Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition (AMMJC) group’s second event, was held Saturday in Jacksonville at Germania Springs Park.

A crowd that grew to close to 70 people was on hand for the picnic, including a state lawmaker who said there is a “good possibility” that he will sponsor a medical marijuana bill in the Alabama Legislature next year.

Graphic: Alaska Dispatch
Alaska State Trooper Kyle Young claims he smelled marijuana from 450 feet away. A judge threw the case out on Friday.

​An Alaska trooper’s claimed ability to sniff out marijuana grow operations from hundreds of feet away has been called into doubt in federal court.

U.S. District Judge John Sedwick concluded in a Friday ruling that the reputed pot-smelling power of investigator Kyle Young wasn’t supported by the facts in a Mat-Su marijuana case, and should not have been used to justify a search warrant, reports Lisa Demer in the Tacoma News Tribune.
The judge said no reasonable jurist could believe the word of Trooper Young, and he  threw out the seized evidence, including about 500 marijuana plants. Unless prosecutors appeal the ruling, the government’s cannabis case against Trace Rae and Jennifer Anne Thoms of Wasilla, Alaska, is mincemeat.

Photo: Gawker

​​By Jack Rikess

Toke of the Town

Northern California Correspondent
Of the supposedly 43 million Americans who smoke marijuana, there is such a small percent of us that are allowed to have safe and easy access to our drug of choice, that to complain seems to be a little elitist and even downright spoiled. Having a medical marijuana Card has changed my life for definitely the better and not to be redundant, and it’s made scoring much safer.
But if you’re of a certain age and generation, because of the nature of prohibition, the only way to score our pot was to go to someone’s home.
As much as I love having a card and going to the Pot Shop, or having it delivered, I miss the interaction of the old daze.

Photo: flickriver
Under Oregon state law, law enforcement officers aren’t supposed to advocate or oppose ballot measures — but that didn’t stop them from badmouthing Measure 74, which would allow state-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in Oregon.

​Oregon officials are investigating allegations that law enforcement officers statewide violated election laws when they actively campaigned against Measure 74, the medical marijuana dispensary initiative.

In all, nine Oregon police officers have been accused of illegally campaigning against the measure.

Sgt. Erik Fisher of the Oregon State Police Drug Enforcement Section on Friday became part of the Secretary of State’s investigation, based on a complaint filed by Williams, Ore., resident Laird Funk, reports Damian Mann of the Southern Oregon Mail Tribune.
Funk specifically cited comments made by Fisher in articles in the Mail Tribune and the Eugene Register-Guard.
Complaints had already been filed against Medford Police Chief Randy Schoen, Medford Assistant Police Chief Tim George and Medford Lt. Tim Doney.

Photo: Laurent Laniel
Cannabis has for centuries been grown in northern Morocco’s Rif Mountains.

​For centuries, the remote town of Bab Berred has been the heart of Morocco’s cannabis-growing region, where farmers carried on the time-honored tradition of cultivating fine marijuana as their fathers and grandfathers did before them.

Growing marijuana is against the law in Morocco, but police looked the other way as farmers grew their pungent crops in the heart of the Rif Mountains. But now farmers are angry they are being forced to pay bribes to local police to continue growing the herb, reports Aida Alami at GlobalPost.