The Utopianist |
The Utopianist |
~ alapoet ~ |
Toke of the Town editor Steve Elliott celebrating three years of high points and big hits |
Rusty Blazenholf/Flickr |
Legal marijuana in Washington state will average $12 a gram, according to the state Liquor Control Board, which has been put in charge of regulating, taxing and selling cannabis in the state by the voters’ approval of I-502. At least a year will be spent studying and setting up the marijuana distribution system before adults 21 and older and actually walk in a store and buy weed.
The Daily Chronic |
Northwest Leaf |
The “No On I-502” Committee has announced a Wednesday press conference “to clarify, once and for all, our opposition to I-502 and to debunk the propaganda from NAW, and some in the press, that we represent some mysterious, greedy group of marijuana business interests that they’ve failed to specifically identify.”
Americans For Cannabis |
Western Middle School |
Kentucky State Senator Perry Clark: “The chances are that if the people get behind it and there’s a groundswell of support, it could happen” |
A Kentucky state senator reintroduced legislation on Thursday that would legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes in the Bluegrass State, and said that the bill has a chance of passage next year if the people will get behind it.