Search Results: marczyk (44)

Graphic: Mendo News

​Welcome to Room 420, where your instructor is Mr. Ron Marczyk and your subjects are wellness, disease prevention, self actualization, and chillin’.

Worth Repeating

By Ron Marczyk, R.N.
Health Education Teacher (Retired)

This one is personal. My wife of 32 years was diagnosed with breast cancer in the past year and subsequently underwent a double mastectomy. We are in the final stages of breast reconstruction. She has undergone five operations in the last 12 months, with one more to go.

We were very lucky. The cancer was starting to spread, but it was found early and was cured by surgery alone; no radiation or chemotherapy. We were told by our oncologist that we were among the very few breast cancer patients he has seen who did not require any follow-up treatments.

Photo: WebMD
Smoking marijuana from 10 to 20 years reduces your risk of head and neck cancer, according to a 2009 study.

​By Ron Marczyk, R.N.

Health Education Teacher (Retired)

Welcome to all you “Tokies.” Class is now in session! And yes, this info will be on the test! 
I am humbled by the large numbers of viewers who have shared “Worth Repeating,” my positive marijuana medical reports.
These are the studies that have been unreported or under-reported in the media. We will now control the real story on marijuana, Love will be our weapon, and Truth will be our Shield!
The U.S. government has had a monopoly for 75 years on the information that is reported on and broadcasted to the all of us regarding marijuana. They lied, and hid the truth to place profits over people. I believe we are at a tipping point to fix this and undo the damage done to millions of people by the criminalization of our peaceful herb.  

Graphic: NORML Stash Blog

By Ron Marczyk
A 2007 study, performed at Harvard University (yes, that Harvard) by Anju Preet, PhD and the Division of Experimental Medicine, is further evidence that supports the study performed by Donald Tashkin, M.D. (reported in Toke January 27) originally published in 2005, indicating that THC appears not to start or promote lung cancer, and if anything, appears to slow or stop lung cancer.
In other words, THC, marijuana’s main active ingredient, appears to have anti-tumor effects!
Dr. Preet’s conclusion is that the THC is the main player in stopping cancer. Tetrahyrocannabinol appears to stop epidermal growth factor (EGF) released by lung tumors. EGF is used for angiogenesis (it’s a growth factor released by a tumor to encourage new blood vessel growth to feed it; this also allows the growth of the tumor and allows it to spread).
When mice (whose biological functions are identical to humans’ in many ways) were implanted surgically with human lung cancer cells which were allowed to start growing and then treated with THC for three weeks, the cancer tumors shrunk by 50 percent in weight, and there was a 60 percent reduction in the number of tumors in their lungs.

Photo: YouTube
Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA conducted the largest-ever study of marijuana’s effect on the lungs. His team found that not only was cannabis not associated with lung cancer, but that it possibly even exerts a protective effect against it.

​Fellow Tokers, meet Ron Marczyk, who’ll be bringing to your attention stories from the cannabis archives that are “Worth Repeating.”

Often, as stories are churned through the media’s 24-hour news cycle, good information flashes by and is lost. We aim to help correct that with “Worth Repeating,” which will cover important cannabis stories that you may have missed.
Ron is a retired health education teacher who taught health ed and psych (drug/sex ed) to high school students for 20 years. He is an R.N. (emergency room) M.S. in cardiac rehab, and worked as a New York City Police officer for two years.
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