Search Results: multimedia (8)

Guardia di Finanza
Italian police discovered a thousand marijuana plants growing in an abandoned railroad tunnel

Drug Dogs Pulled From Tunnel In A Swoon

It’s always the smell. Tipped off by the dankness emanating from a suburban street, Italian police discovered a huge subterranean cannabis grow operation in an old railroad tunnel originally built by Benito Mussolini.

The cops in Rome seized what they claimed was 340 kilos of marijuana, and they claimed it was worth three million euros ($3.7 million) on the street, reports Tom Kington of The Guardian. The grow-op was hidden behind a legal mushroom-growing business at the entrance of the tunnel; a fake wall had been built with revolving breeze blocks to conceal the plants.
When police climbed a ladder and looked over a makeshift wall at the back of the mushroom farm, they said they discovered a 43,000-square-foot tunnel housing the growing cannabis.

VibeNation MultiMedia

So you’ve always wanted to write a book about cannabis? Here’s your chance.

You’re invited to participate in an iBook project intended to change perceptions about marijuana by telling 100 short stories by 100 real people, in a fun and easy-to-read format.
Each page will be formatted the same way. The top of the page will have your name, or a title if you prefer. Then there is space for an image, a gallery of images, a video, a Powerpoint presentation, an HTML widget… “The possibilities are endless,” said Susan Soares, president of VibeNation MultiMedia, which is sponsoring the project, called Marijuana & Me.

“The purpose of the book is to change the perception of what the typical marijuana consumer is like,” Soares told Toke of the Town Thursday afternoon.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
I don’t feel like a terrorist just because I smoke weed. Do you?

​You knew it would come to this, right? Lest you think those hard-working goons at the Department of Homeland Security are slacking in their jobs — you know, spying on your everyday activities — it has been revealed that the domestic surveillance agency has been scouring your online postings for, among other things, the word “marijuana.”

Homeland Security personnel regularly monitor updates on social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, to uncover “Items Of Interest” (IOI), according to an internal DHS memo released by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), reports Animal New York.
That baseline list of terms for which the DHS searches — or at least a DHS subcontractor hired to monitor social networks — reveals which specific words generate realtime IOI reports.

Graphic: Prohibition’s End

​“Next Steps for Marijuana Reform in California,” a day-long gathering of marijuana reform advocates, will be Saturday, March 19 at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood.

In the wake of Proposition 19’s strong showing at the polls last year, this conference will address ongoing efforts to end failed marijuana prohibition in California, steps to reform the state’s medical marijuana laws, and priorities for marijuana reform in the coming years.
The conference is presented by California NORML, Drug Policy Alliance, Marijuana Policy Project, Americans for Safe Access, and VibeNation MultiMedia.

Photo: News By The Second

​A bill cracking down on driving while high on marijuana cleared its first hurdle at the Colorado state Capitol on Thursday.

House Bill 1261 would set a limit of five nanograms per milliliter of blood, above which a person would be considered too stoned to legally drive, reports John Ingold at The Denver Post. Bill supporters tried to equate the five-nanogram THC limit to the 0.08 percent blood-alcohol level that determines driving when drunk.
“If you test above that limit, you would be guilty of the misdemeanor driving under the influence of drugs,” said Rep. Claire Levy (D-Boulder), who is one of the bill’s sponsors.

Photo: Fulton County Jail
These are the 19 bags of marijuana police claimed they found on Ricky Hefflin as he tried to enter the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia.

​Ricky Hefflin either has big cojones or perhaps impaired decision-making skills.

Hefflin, 26, remains in jail after being arrested Wednesday for carrying 19 bags of marijuana into the Fulton County Courthouse, according to police.

Officers at the courthouse claimed they noticed “something suspicious” in Hefflin’s back left pocket when he went through the security line at the building’s metal detector, reports Raisa Habersham at the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Deputies said Hefflin was asked to empty his pockets and put his items in a bin for scanning by the courthouse magnetometer. But he refused, saying, “I don’t have anything,” according to officers, reports My Fox Atlanta.
Hefflin tried to walk on into the courthouse, but was stopped by the arresting officer, who once again requested that he empty his pockets.
​When Hefflin “became nervous” and didn’t move, the officer told him to place his hands against the wall and proceeded to search him.

Photo: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
I don’t feel like a terrorist. Do you?

​The U.S. Department of Homeland Security apparently doesn’t have enough real terrorists to chase. Now they’re going after medical marijuana growers.

A Colorado Springs police detective has enlisted the help of Homeland Security in a local medical marijuana investigation. Homeland Security sent a plane with thermal imaging equipment and two federal Border Patrol agents to Colorado to fly over a warehouse which was a suspected pot growing site, and the spy equipment revealed the warehouse was generating a lot of heat, reports Joel Millman of the Colorado Springs Gazette.

Photo: The Grand Rapids Press
An anonymous caregiver who grows medical marijuana for patients checks his garden. He has 22 plants of three varieties growing in his Grand Rapids basement. 

​Grand Rapids, Michigan city commissioners have decided on a homegrown approach to regulating medical marijuana.

Commissioners Tuesday decided to go ahead with zoning regulations that will treat medical marijuana growers, also known as caregivers, as home-based businesses, reports Jim Harger of The Grand Rapids Press.
Planning director Suzanne Schulz said the rules will allow medical marijuana growers to operate in a manner similar to music teachers or tax preparers.