California Radio Station Airs Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ad


Canna Care
Canna Care employees were featured on the cover of Health & Fitness magazine last year.

​A Sacramento radio station is currently airing an ad, one of the first of its kind, for local marijuana dispensary Canna Care.

Station K-HITS 921.1 FM is running the ads, which according to News 10 KXTV are the first marijuana ads to run in the Sacramento market.
The ad soft-pedals the message, never mentioning the words “marijuana” or “cannabis,” relying instead on the ability of listeners to decode the following message:
“There’s no need to suffer in silence. Canna Care is here to help. If you’re coping with chronic pain, arthritis, nausea, glaucoma or side effects from chemo, there are reliable alternatives.”
It was the radio station’s decision to keep any specific mentions of pot out of the radio ad, according to Canna Care co-owner Bryan Davies.