Newly Surfaced Movie Shows Marilyn Monroe ‘Smoking Pot’: Reuters


A newly surfaced home movie shows movie icon Marilyn Monroe apparently smoking marijuana, according to Reuters.

The movie was retrieved from an attic some 50 years after it was filmed.
The color film, taken at a private home in New Jersey, has no sound. It was recently bought by collector Keya Morgan from the anonymous person who took the film.
Reuters said new owner Morgan and the original person who shot the film gave the news organization permission to use it in digital form. The copyright will be auctioned on eBay later this week, Morgan said.

Morgan is working on a documentary on the death of Monroe in August 1962.
The collector learned of the film’s existence during his research. He tracked down the owner and bought the film, which had been stored in an attic for three years.
Marilyn seems to be relaxed and happy in the film, which seems to date from 1958 or 1959, based on her appearance, according to Reuters.
The person who made the film confirmed the cigarette smoked by Monroe contained marijuana. “I got it [the pot],” the filmer said. It was mine. It was just passed around. It was not a party. It was just a get-together. You know, come over and hang out.”