Cannabis Group Seeks ID Of Informant Who Ratted Out Councilman


Graphic: Cannabis Defense Coalition
Activists in the Olympia, WA area are encouraged to print these posters and distribute them around town.

​A Seattle-based marijuana advocacy group is trying to learn the identity of the “confidential informant” responsible for the recent arrest of Olympia City Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem Joe Hyer on pot charges.

Hyer was arrested February 18 by agents from the forfeiture-funded and citizen-feared Thurston County Narcotics Task Force for allegedly selling marijuana.
An acquaintance of Hyer had contacted the task force and reported that he was able to get cannabis from the councilman, and that he was ready and willing to wear a wire and go “undercover” in an expensive, month-long, taxpayer-funded marijuana investigation cum political vendetta.
Democrat Hyer’s high-profile arrest has already resulted in a chorus of calls for his resignation from ambitious local Republicans who see an opportunity to make political capital from the councilman’s misfortune.

The Cannabis Defense Coalition (CDC) is seeking to uncover the identity of the confidential informant — who was, in reality, a political operative — who sought retribution against Hyer by making him the focus of a taxpayer-funded marijuana investigation and prosecution.
If you have any information about this person, please contact CDC at [email protected] or telephone toll free (888) 208-5332.
Activists in the Olympia, Washington area are encouraged to print these posters out and distribute them around town: