Missouri Woman Sees Uphill Fight For Medical Marijuana


Marijuana is legal medicine in 14 states. A group of Missourians is taking their fight to the state Capitol, hoping to make Missouri number 15, reports Sara Forhetz at KY3 News.

“I get up in the morning and take one of these, one of these, one of these, and two of these,” said Sherry Cooper of Mountain View, Mo. “Then eight hours later I take one of these, these and two more of them,” she said.
“On a bad day I end up taking about 13 pills a day,” she said.
They’re prescription painkillers she believes could be eliminated altogether if she could use marijuana instead for her fibromyalgia.
She knows pot would help from personal experience.
“On a pain scale of 9, I could probably bring it down to a 5 or a 4 within about 30 minutes,” she said.
Medical marijuana in Missouri has proven to be an uphill battle with little momentum. A bill is introduced in the House but not even assigned to a legislative committee. Some claim it’s of little priority and credibility.