Marijuana Patients Will Ask Mass. Legislators To Support Safe Access


Graphic: ABC News

​A group of medical marijuana patients and advocates will hold a press conference Thursday to ask Massachusetts lawmakers to support medical marijuana.

The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Public Health is currently considering a bill that would make Massachusetts the 15th state in the nation to give seriously ill patients safe and legal access to medical marijuana.
Last September, Suffolk University released poll results showing that 81 percent of Massachusetts residents support allowing “seriously ill patients to use, grow, and purchase marijuana for medical purposes if they have the approval of their physicians.”

The poll found strong support in every demographic, including support from 86 percent of senior citizens and 70 percent of Republicans.
WHAT: Press conference to ask Massachusetts lawmakers to support medical marijuana bill
WHEN: Thursday, March 11, 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Grand Staircase, in the State House, Boston, Mass.