420 University Kick Starts Cannabis Education In Michigan


Photo: 420 University
Ed Rosenthal will present “Let’s Get Growing,” a cultivation workshop, as part of 420 University’s seminar on compassionate care in July.

​Michigan’s growing medical marijuana industry will have available an instructional series of classes on compassionate care and the cultivation of cannabis at a July seminar.

On July 10 and 11, Kalamazoo, Mich., will host 420 University’s first-ever weekend seminar, with instruction from prominent industry educators including cannabinoid scholar Dr. Robert Melamede, who is CEO and president of Cannabis Science, Inc., and the celebrated Guru of Ganja, Ed Rosenthal of Quick Trading.
As students, professionals, and educators gather at 420 University for the inaugural weekend of training in compassionate care, experts like Rosenthal and Melamede will provide instruction on cannabinoid science, certification, cultivation, cooking, legal issues, and public policy. All full listing of course topics can be found at 420University.com.

In addition to presenting “Let’s Get Growing,” a comprehensive cultivation workshop, Rosenthal, known worldwide as a leading horticulturalist and marijuana authority, will be autographing books and meeting with university students. Rosenthal is the only marijuana cultivation author to have had has work reviewed by the New York Times.
“As medical marijuana provides relief and hope to patients, our seminar and career training comes to Michigan at a time when leaders are energized to diversify economic opportunity,” said William J. Beaton III, chief operating officer of 420 University.
“Many people are finding new earned income potential within the area of compassionate caregiving, which makes the need for professional education all the more pressing,” Beaton said.

Photo: Negocios Videos
Dr. Robert Melamede: “Cannabis is medicine regardless of what some politicians say”

​Dr. Robert Melamede, university professor and pioneer in cannabinoid studies, will be presenting workshops detailing the science of medical cannabis and highlighting medical issues of patients and doctors.
Kalamazoo attorney John Targowski, who serves on the legal committee for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) and is a recent recipient of the Hunter S. Thompson Scholarship to study cannabis defense, will also present a workshop.
420 University’s Beaton noted that medical marijuana law, which is continuously evolving, is just one of several important components in medical cannabis education for Michigan students and caregivers.
“At 420 University, we provide enhanced training in areas like cultivation for those already on track; but equally important, we provide a solid path for those getting started,” Beaton said.
“Thirty-six hundred patients and caregivers have been denied by the state during the registration process, which has been mostly due to errors,” Beaton said. “As educators we have a responsibility to ensure that our students are equipped with the best knowledge to be successful.”
WHO: Ed Rosenthal, Dr. Robert Melamede, and Attorney John Targowski
WHAT: 420 University Seminar on Compassionate Care
WHEN: July 10-11, 2010
WHERE: The Radisson Plaza Hotel, 100 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 
For more information visit www.420university.com.