Canada: Prince Of Pot Surrenders; MPs Oppose Extradition


Photo: The Globe and Mail
Marc Emery, the Prince of Pot, might not be taking another bong rip for awhile.

​Two Vancouver MPs are criticizing a decision to support the extradition of marijuana activist Marc Emery, the self-styled “Prince of Pot,” to the United States.

The Prince of Pot has been out on bail for the past six months. With the period of his release expiring, Emery surrendered himself to authorities Monday at the Vancouver courts.
Emery was arrested in 2005 as part of a joint Canada-United States law enforcement operation. He was charged in connection with an alleged online marijuana seed-selling business based in Vancouver, British Columbia, reports Stephen Thomson at the Vancouver Straight.

Photo: Jodie Emery
Above, Jodie Emery in happier times. Jodie cried Monday as her husband Marc kissed her goodbye.

​Emery kissed his crying wife, Jodie, goodbye as he handed himself over to Sheriffs at the Vancouver Law Courts. He also hugged and thanked his supporters.
Emery, 51, now faces a five-year U.S. prison sentence under the terms of his agreement with American prosecutors last year.
Justice Minister Robert Nicholson has reportedly approved an extradition order. Nicholson’s decision has already come under fire from NDP MP Libby Davies and Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh. Both MPs presented a 12,000-signature petition earlier this year in the House of Commons opposing Emery’s extradition.
“It’s about Canadian sovereignty,” said Davies. “Why would we cart off a Canadian to serve time in America for something he wouldn’t have been charged with in Canada? Now what we’re left with is trying to press that he at least be allowed to serve his time in Canada.”
Dosanjh said Emery faces a “disproportionate sentence that he wouldn’t have received in Canada.”
“I believe in that case we as a country should ensure that he’s at least able to serve his sentence in a Canadian prison,” Dosanjh said. “He’s not a dangerous offender.” 
“If he sends me away, it will anger millions of Americans and millions of Canadians, Emery said Monday. “I need them to be angry, otherwise we won’t get any change in this drug war.”
Emery has said previously that he made the plea agreement with U.S. prosecutors so that his two co-accused Cannabis Culture employees — Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams — would each be given two years’ probation and to avoid a criminal trial that could have resulted in a 50-year prison sentence.
Meanwhile, The Canadian Press has reported a U.S. drug enforcement agent worked in Canada to secure American criminal charges against Emery.