Cops Claim Vitamins Are Methamphetamine; Raid Pot Dispensary


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​A bag of white powder that police seized last week in a California marijuana dispensary raid, claiming it was methamphetamine, was actually a nutritional supplement from GNC, according to the operator of the pot shop.

Three pounds of a brown substance that police claimed was hashish actually consisted of marijuana leaf trimmings processed to make cannabis butter, added Ian Stubbs, one of the co-directors of OCMS Healing Leaves, a cooperative in Fountain Valley, California.
“They made it sound worse than it was,” Stubbs said.
Stubbs said the operation, open since January, doesn’t have any way to reopen after police seized its marijuana and cash and froze its bank accounts, reports Jon Cassidy of The Orange County Register.

Cliff Mitchell’s Health & Fitness Journal

​Three pounds of marijuana and 50 cannabis plants were seized from the cooperative’s location at 11533 Slater Avenue in Fountain Valley. Stubbs said those amounts were in line with the 300 to 400 patients he said the dispensary serves.
Police raided the dispensary and the homes of its two directors, serving search warrants on May 19.
The cops took $600 to $8009 from a cash drawer and froze the dispensary’s bank accounts, according to Stubbs.
“We were barely operating before,” Stubbs said. “Now we don’t have our money, because of the holds, so we can’t pay rent.”
Healing Leaves tried to follow California’s medical marijuana law, verifying patient recommendations witgh doctors and setting suggested donations to cover operating costs, according to Stubbs.
No arrests have been made yet in connection with the raids, admitted Sgt. Eric Orahood of the Fountain Valley Police Department on Tuesday.
The District Attorney’s office says it is “reviewing the evidence.” Yeah, I’ll just bet they are.